The UN Plan.


New member
Have just finnished reading "THE GLOBAL WAR on YOUR GUNS"
by Wayne Lapierre.
Found it very interesting reading, shows the real meaning of the revolver
outside the UN building in New York.
There certainly is a global desire to disarm the American citizen. Be wary of any American president who cozies up to the UN.
A picture is worth...



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Yes it is. It is is located in the Visitor's Plaza near the corner of 1st Ave. and 45th St.

Search for "Reutersward Revolver" on Google and you'll find lots of info about it.
Isn't it funny how the UN wants to remove weapons from citizens, while allowing govts to retain them.

Question: Who has killed more people, civilians with weapons, or the governments of the world?
The UN should be turned into a parking lot.
I can not see it's purpose, other than being a club of USA haters that we support with our taxes
The sad fact is that the UN, like the rest of international law, is for the benefit of rulers and sitting governments. Neither has, is, or ever will be for the benefit of ordinary citizens.

What that stupid sculpture really symbolizes is all of the millions (yes, literally millions) who have died at the hands of some ruler's thugs or "militias" simply because the expendable peasants had no guns with which to effectively resist being murdered by their own government. Now, the UN bozos want to spread that system to the United States.

I am no conspiracy buff, but history shows that some elite or other will always try to gain control over a peasantry and to reduce free citizens to the level of peasants and serfs. Also, that is almost always the real reason behind restrictions on guns. It was true when, after the Civil War, southern states passed laws that were designed to keep freed slaves from being armed, the better to make things safe for the KKK'ers when they came calling with ropes and whips. It was true when the Sullivan Law of NY was passed to make sure that only Tammany Hall thugs would have guns in NYC. It was true when the Japanese Shogunate stripped everybody but the Samuri of swords in 16th Century Japan, and it will be true in this country if we don't keep up the fight. Remember, we have to win every fight, and cannot afford "reasonable" compromises. The gun banners only have to win occasionally, and, eventually, we will all be unarmed peasants, at the mercy of our political rulers.
I know! Old hat. The UN only serves the members that pay the least. If we quit paying they could have there own way, Right?
Of course the UN wants our guns, they want a world government without opposition that could never work. Get US out of the UN!!!
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Back to topic, the UN has been working to ban small arms for a few decades now. They likely believe a disarmed populace makes it easier to occupy a country after they decide they need to invade for 'peacekeeping' purposes.
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Texas fats
I am no conspiracy buff, but history shows that some elite or other will always try to gain control over a peasantry and to reduce free citizens to the level of peasants and serfs. Also, that is almost always the real reason behind restrictions on guns. It was true when, after the Civil War, southern states passed laws that were designed to keep freed slaves from being armed, the better to make things safe for the KKK'ers when they came calling with ropes and whips. It was true when the Sullivan Law of NY was passed to make sure that only Tammany Hall thugs would have guns in NYC. It was true when the Japanese Shogunate stripped everybody but the Samuri of swords in 16th Century Japan, and it will be true in this country if we don't keep up the fight. Remember, we have to win every fight, and cannot afford "reasonable" compromises. The gun banners only have to win occasionally, and, eventually, we will all be unarmed peasants, at the mercy of our political rulers.

I agree with you texas.... 100%.
Be it known to the UN and their flunkies: continue to act like a foreign invading enemy and you will be treated like one here. Tack that on your next nobel peace prize.
Question for the OP: Is this book available online? If so, how about a link?

That the UN favors gun banning is not really news, is there anything in the book that is noteworthy? New or proposed UN programs likely to affect US gun owners?

Maybe you could give a brief synopsis or outline? Thanks.
Topics included; UN Gun Ban Treaty.
Gun Control Movements.
Second Amendment.
Countries with Gun Bans.
Corruption within the UN.
The UN and Terrorism.
The UN and the Internet.
What has happened in countries where firearms are banned.