The UN and global disarmament/National Soveriegnty

Jack 99

New member
Hopefully, this post will make it past the moderators here.

For anyone doubting the validity of the "conspiracy theory" of the New World Order, here's something that ought to make you sit up and take notice. And for those of you that think the UN is just a bunch of bumbling, neo-socialists with no real power and who have little or no influence on your life, go here (be sure to read BETWEEN the lines):

And for those of you who aren't "tuned in," here's the clincher:


"NATO did not say whether those arrested were Serbs or ethnic Albanians. Under U.N. regulations, it is illegal to hold any weapon without written permission from the NATO-led Kosovo Force, KFOR, or U.N. civilian police. Permits issued by the Yugoslav government are not valid.

In one example of the province's volatility, British troops searched a Serb home on Sept. 26, in the ethnically mixed town of Kosovo Polje, and seized four Kalashnikov rifles, four pistols, five rocket-propelled grenades
and 100 rounds of ammunition.

Nearly 100 Serbs blocked the road there for a couple of hours, insisting they should be allowed to keep weapons to protect themselves from their ethnic Albanian neighbors. Two days later, unknown assailants fired two rocket-propelled grenades into a Serb market in the same neighborhood, killing three people and injuring about 40.

"You can go to almost any Serb house here and find weapons," said one British officer in Kosovo Polje, who spoke on condition he not be named. "They're well-armed."

Among ethnic Albanians in rural areas, ownership of a firearm is a sign of
manhood. In the early days of the KLA, many ethnic Albanian fighters traveled to neighboring Albania, bought their own rifles on the black market and returned to Kosovo to fight.

Many of them consider those weapons as their personal property. NATO troops suspect many of these weapons, mostly Kalashnikov rifles, are hidden away."


IMHO, The New World Order is using Kosovo as a testing ground for global disarmament. I look at this as a significant step toward global govt. Why? Read between the lines, guys, Kosovo is NOT an independent country, not even the UN recognizes them as such. IT IS PART OF SERBIA!

NATO is there disarming SERBIAN citizens (both ethnic Albanians and Serbs) WITHOUT REGARD TO SERBIAN LAW! Even if you have a permit from the Yugo govt, you still need NATO or UN permission to keep your gun.

Sorry to say, I really don't see any "good guys" in Kosovo, its just not that cut and dried, but there are definitely "bad guys," and they're wearing blue helmets and working as hard as they can to destroy the idea of National Soveriegnty.

Hope those Kosovars (all of them) stand up and fight for their rights. I hate to see US peacekeepers stuck in the middle and getting hurt, but let's face it, we can't really blame the Kosovars if they decide to rebel against this crap and start shooting at blue helmets (I think this will eventually happen, many of those ethnic groups in Yugoslavia pulled together in WWII to fight the Germans and there's still plenty of them around that remember how that worked out).

We CAN blame Clinton, though.

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper
Well you could probably conclude from that article that your president is actually an Alien also. I fail to see any link to a conflict hundreds of years old and gun control. Did the UN go back in a time machine and start this conflict to use it a precedent for gun control ?

The UN is there because the Serbs where slaughtering ethnic Albanians - this is no conspiracy.
Now if the ethnic Canadians in the USA decided to slaughter Americans I'm sure you'd want them disarmed.

There are people within the UN pushing gun control there no doubt about it and they aren't keeping it a secret. But linking a peacekeeping operation to gun controlis stretching credibility.
The peace enforcement troops in East Timor are disarming the militias as we speak - should we let the Militias keep there guns to continue there slaughter ?
I suppose the allies fighting in Germany and Japan were also disregarding those countries laws too.
By linking Kosovo to gun control we neglect the anti-gun push on a lower level by the UN.The controls they want on small arms.
The UN isn't the big bad bogeyman - sure there are some anti-gun countries in it but they will only succeed if we let them.
UN bashing all the time doesn't get us anywhere - attacking the anti-gun elements and mistakes of the UN does though.
The real anti gun movement loves all these conspiracies because it puts us off us them and where the real damage is being done.
Just a note - The KLA willingly diarmed and handed over weapons to Nato and will now become a civilian police force type thing.
It's highly doubtful the ethnic serbs would unite against the UN, you can be sure the ethnic Albanians wont since it's the UN members that saved them.
First of all the entire ethnic cleansing deal was media created/hype. Serbs retaliated killing KLA members. This war has been going on for hundreds of years and now that the U.N has gained power it took the opportunity to gain control and disarm the citizens. Here is a statistic that you won't here from the media, the US killed more civilians than did molosovich. Suprised, you shouldn't be, we are lied to everday by our media and government, we only get part of the story and not the truth. They turned this situation into an "ethnic clensing" issue to gain sympathy from the rest of the world. Can you tell a Albanian from a Serb? Hell no, they all look the same, so how can it be ethnic cleansing. The real reason for the UN taking over is because Milosovich didn't want to becaome apart of the NWO. The NWO/UN will look for any reason to jump in and make it look like a peace mission, when in reality it is a front for disarming the citizens. I won't be surprised if the UN uses this Y2K bug to justify coming over hear and disarming us.

PS. Moderators, none of us has even hinted nor have we mentioned harming UN personel, therefore this post should be kept open.

Ok Solo I'm prepared to believe you when you say "the US killed more civilians
than did molosovich."
just quote the relevant source or sources for us. I'm sure you have some.
I had to read this a few times before I believed you'd said it
"Can you tell a Albanian from a Serb? Hell no, they all look the same, so how
can it be ethnic cleansing."

Well I think if you asked them they would think they are from different ethnic groups.
I wouldn't dare tell a Serb to his face he is the same ethnically as the Albanians in Kosovo.
Especially since the Serbs are predominately Christians and the ethnic Albanians Moslems.
WHEW! Just when I think I'm an absolute paranoid nut-case, someone brings me back to reality! (insert sarcasm here)


I think you're missing the big picture. Kosovo is NOT an independent country. Its still part of Serbia. Not too long ago, the Albanians (KLA) were the "bad guys" and were seen as an internal terrorist threat by the Serbs and the rest of the world. Yes, it was mostly "spin," but that's all we're really getting now anyway. They became the "oppressed guys" recently because it fit someone's agenda. The history is really irrelevant, the UN/NATO/NWO has taken the opportunity Kosovo has presented and used it to see how far they can push the envelope in intervening in the affairs of a SOVEREIGN NATION (a concept the UN openly admits they would like to abolish, not to mention high ranking members of the Clinton Admin; I digress). Why Serbia? Why now? Ethnic cleansing is the norm in Africa (Rwanda, 1 million dead; Sudan, up to 10 million Christians and tribal southerners killed by Muslims in the North over the last decade). Where's the outrage over these govts killing their own people? How about Saddam, even before the Gulf War, killing his own people with gas? Why wasn't NATO there? What's the standard?

In Kosovo (Serbia), the UN has said, in effect, "we don't care what your laws are, we're here now and we will tell you how its going to be, and you have no say, now hand over your gun." How long will the UN be there? What representation do ANY Kosovars (Serbs or Albanians) have in regard to how they are ruled by the UN? The NWO would love to set a precedent here and the Russians and Chinese are already getting nervous about the possibility of NATO intervention into their internal affairs, like Chechnya. So I'm not the only "nut job" out there.

This is a far cry from the situation in WWII when Hitler went OUTSIDE of Germany's borders to carry aggression to long established countries like France, Poland, etc.

Am I happy that Serbs were killing Albanians? No, of course not. Of course, I'm also not happy about the reverse happening now with the KLA taking it out on the Serbs. I don't know what the answer is, but NATO doesn't either. They just see an opportunity to expand influence and power over a sovereign nation. THAT'S what its really all about. That and a girl named Monica who has a few sleazy tricks she does with cigars and a president who needed a diversion.

That aside, if ethnic Canadians started killing Americans within US borders, I would NOT want them disarmed by force in this manner, and especially not by foreign troops wearing blue helmets. Why not? 2 reasons: (1) It seriously infringes my rights and no amount of security is worth that and (2) it undermines US Sovereignty to have blue helmets here telling us what to do "for our own good."

On a related note, GUN CONTROL, as Kosovo demonstrates, its completely ineffective. Predictably, those rocket propelled grenades will keep killing Serbs for many years to come. When and if they run out, it will be fertilizer bombs and Molotov cocktails.

I will agree with you on one thing, the fight for our right to keep and bear happens on many levels and we shouldn't be blind to what's happening in City Hall and the state legislature. That said, there is a master plan for Global Governance, I don't claim to know who authored it (Cecil Rhodes was key to setting it down in writing, he started the Rhodes Scholarship to implement it, Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar. Rhodes' plan is well established fact, he wrote about it extensively, it is not "conspiracy theory."), but they don't bother to even hide their intentions anymore. Can you imagine a State Dept. official coming out 10 yrs ago and saying that National Sovereignty is a thing of the past? Boiling frogs, my man, we are all just frogs and the water's getting hotter.

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper

[This message has been edited by Jack 99 (edited October 04, 1999).]
It's no secret why NATO stepped in here and not Rwanda. Money.
If they had let Serbia continue there could have been the danger of brining in other countries into the confllict creating a larger war. That is bad for the US and other western countries economies.
Thats why East Timor has been a low priority for the USA.

History has everything to do with it. There is a long history of Christians and Moslems in that area and hatreds run deep.

This isn't a practice run to disarm people.
Also while Kosovo isn't indpendent I'll bet they will be in the future. The reason the west hasn't pushied for it is they don't want the rest of Serbia to fall apart.
Besides theKLA and ethnicAlbanians make up the majorty of the population by a long way and if they want the UN they can have them.

Hypothetical: What if I suggested we get some light blue paint, some surplus helmets and painted the helmets for use as targets.

Over the line? ;)

I don't want to belabor the argument and go back and forth forever. At least you have some skepticism about the UN/NATO involvement there. You need MORE skepticism about these orgs, IMHO. Suspicion and Paranioa are not always bad things.

Bottom line, the whole thing stinks to high heaven. NATO may not be rehearsing a total disarm-the-world scenario (they would like to, though, bet on it), but they are sure as heck testing the limits of what the world (especially the Russians) will tolerate with regards to intervening in the affairs of a sovereign nation. The point is, Kosovo is part of Serbia NOW. The future is unknown to all of us.

The idea that the UN can step in and create a new nation is, to say the least, arrogant. You may not know this, but there's a small but growing movement here in California to return this state to Mexico. Should the UN get involved with that? More than half our population is Hispanic. They can claim a history of oppression. Should we give them their own country based on that? Should someone from World Headquarters decide that, someone with no accountability to the people of the US, California, or Mexico? I think we would say that would be wrong. Of course, the real difference is that the US has superior force of arms to back it up, where Serbia is fairly weak militarily in comparison to NATO. As a last resort, the citizenry here is armed (at least for now). We're headed back to "might makes right" and that means tyrrany, and that's why I think the Kosovars (all of them) need to stand up for themselves.

BTW, the conflict between Saddam and the Kurds had a real potential to spread beyond Iraq to Iran and Turkey, still we did nothing. And what I meant about the history being irrelevant was that the UN is not there to make the whole situation right (as if they could. 400 yrs of bloodshed on both sides isn't going away tomorrow). The UN is just being opportunist. Of course the history matters to the Serbs and Albanians, but the UN is using the situation as an excuse to see how far they can push it.
Yep, follow the money trail I always say. Serbia has(should I say HAD?) great wealth in Kosovo Province with BIG gold mines operated before by joint Greek Serbian consortium. Plus timber resources. Y ugoslavia was once a prosperous place and the big boys in the west didnt like this. Nothing is left but destruction of many people and control by the big banksters who are calling the shots in every Western nation AND bought off the corrupt Russian leadership to keep Russia from helping the Serbs. The key to this RAPE of Serbia was the lack ofRussian support. The NWO could not, have pulled off the destruction of Serbia without the corrupt, alien influences which are ruling Russia now. The key to stopping the NWO march throughout the world IS Russia free from her completely evil leadership. It is a sad state of affairs and the elites of the western camp,both who are monopoly capitalists or "ex" communists like schroder, are having a field day agianst the peoples of Europe, America, South America, Africa, and Asia. Yeah, its a damn stinking conspiracy allright. And only a few nationalists in a few countries are fighting against the NWO. No, the NWO has not been burning or bombing Us territory. They dont have to . The Globalists con trol our political system right now without a shot really being fired. If one says he is a patriot he is in danger from the gitgo! People like Le Pen in France, Ha`ider in Austria, Chavez in Venzuela, and hopefully Buchanan in our country are truly freedom fighters in a struggle against a system being formed so evil that it is almost unbelievable. And what makes me so damn mad is that this globalist system has so many so caLLED american citzens involved in its formation from the beginning. These wretches have sold their birthright to the one system soon to be established. Many Americans just dont get it. Live free or die!
Well I think if you asked them they would think they are from different ethnic groups.
I wouldn't dare tell a Serb to his face he is the same ethnically as the Albanians in Kosovo.

"Especially since the Serbs are predominately Christians and the ethnic Albanians Moslems."

You have partly distinguised the difference between Albainians and serbs. The difference is Christian and Moslem religions, a religous difference not ethnic. Why do you continue to say "ethnic", you have become a brainwashed victim of our media playing into their terminology, resulting in another person believing the NWO agenda.

Heres an example of how you interpret this situation and how such interpretation is mistruded:
East coast vs. West Coast (USA) Is there a difference between East coast Americans vs West coast Americans. I don't think so, maybe a few minor ones, but overall no. Are east coast people a differnt "ethnic" group than West cost people?

PS. As for the source give me a little time to once again find it. I know i read it just after the little excursion, I have dumped my browser preferences since then so I will have to search for it the hard way, but I will search and will attempt to once again find it.
Question: An ethnic Islamic majority of a semi-autonomous state launches an offensive
against an overbearing, distant government. Said government replies with an armored
invasion force and airstrikes. Civilian refugees try to flee the onslaught. Does the West intervene?

Answer (A): The controlling country is Yugoslavia, and NATO bombs, claiming
overwhelming "humanitarian" need. Kosovo becomes a de facto independent state, backed by Western firepower. If this means violating international law, like the opening of the airport at Pristina, so be it. We're in the right, so it's okay.

Answer (B): The controlling country is Russia, NATO is silent, despite the exact
replication of events that "required" intervention in Kosovo. Sorry, Chechnya, but the OPFOR you're fighting is a nuclear superpower, so we're just going to overlook any "indiscretions" committed on your soil.

The ethnic groups in the former Yugoslav republics have been happily committing
atrocities against each other for hundreds of years. One rather imagines that they will
continue to do so long after NATO has joined the Ottoman Empire in the dusty pages of long gone history.
On 8/5/99 the Yugoslav Red Cross reported that since the bombing started on 24th March more than 700 civilians have been killed and 6400 have been injured. Obviously, this does not take into account what has happened since including the dreadful casualities that resulted from the NATO bombing at Korisha on 13th May.

Heres some other articles

Heres the main link to all articles revealing the truth about Kosovo!

[This message has been edited by solo (edited October 06, 1999).]