
New member
I was just thinking to myself about the ultimate scope for any situation and have come up with the following idea: First of all, the scope would be AUTO-FOCUSING in any variable power on any object, from a pebble to a deer. Secondly, when you looked at a target, no matter how far away, it would first tell you in the top of the reticle how far away it was (electronically, in yards, essentially a rangefinder) and then the scope would zoom into that object according to its size, focus on it, and make the correct adjustments in windage and elevation for the target according to how many yards away it is, all of this automatically to make sure the cross-hairs would send the bullet precisely where you aimed it. For example---you wouldn't have to touch your scope's adjustment knobs to take out a coyote at 400 yards and then turned and hit a can at 40 yards away. Can we expect to see this anytime soon? Or is it too far-fetched an idea? Let me know what you think...

Oh yah, and it would run to the refrigerator on your command to get you an ice-cold refreshment----:D
I love it

Thats an ingenious scoping device---too bad they don't have them to account for rimfire cartridges :(
$350 Seems like a damn reasonable price too...
Years ago I wrote Leupold and asked them to develop a scope along those lines. Laser rangefinder with automatic adjustment of reticle for distance. Funny but I didn't think of suggesting something for lead for a moving target or for holding for the wind. I guess there are somethings which practice is definitely required.