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If you need some light reading ;), go to<a><a href=""> Lock, Stock & Barrel</a>.
It's up there with the best you Guys have to offer ! :D

"The Gun from Down Under !"

[This message has been edited by HS (edited June 27, 1999).]
Sorry HS but -
before you Americans read this stuff it's all a load of crap IMHO of course :)
- the English bill of rights giving us the right to keep and bear arms is the biggest load of crap going around. Australian law overides the bill of rights. So while it does exists in law Australian will still overide it. If their was any hope of using it don't you think the SSAA(our version of the NRA) and the Shooters Party would be pushing to use it ? They have both have investigated it got lawyers to look into it and found we have no legs to stand on this issue. I think it's mentioned at but the sites down at the moment so I can't check.
Don't you think the English might have used it to defend their rights if it would hold up in court ? If Ron Owen's right than hundreds of pro gun lawyers and QC's who have looked into it and want to use it but found we can't are wrong.
Also mr gutless Ron Owen who puts the homes of politicians on his web site(they have families who shouldn't be involved in this) got very angry when a tv crew wanted to film his house :)
Ron Owen and another Queensland nutter I forget his name are the two people most responsible for the bad image of the gun lobby in Australia.
What he writes looks plausible on it's own but when you subject it to the slightest bit of scrutiny it all falls down. He selectively uses information to back up his case, he is hurting the gun lobby by diverting some shooters efforts to his crusade.
If anyone wants specific information rebutting his claims I'd be happy to provide.
I too wish we could use the bill of rights but we can't.
I might have a bonfire and cracker night on the anniversary of the battle of the boyne to celebrate good old king billy :)

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