The "Turtle Buster"


New member
I'm pretty excited about this new addition. This was a 358432 160gr mold that I had HP'd to make an awesome 137gr HP for just plinking cans or paper or turtles (if you got a problem with em ;)) I just got it back from getting the pins in it, so I haven't gotten to load any of em yet, but this looks really promising. The flat pin is so I can cast the original wadcutter as well. :D
I'll post some more info on performance after I get a chance to test it out, but I'm pretty excited to just have it. :)
Ok, I'll bite. Why would you shoot a turtle? I was raised to repect the outdoors and the animals. What ever animal I harvest I eat.

This is the way I was brought up.
The reason I'm gonna use em against turtles is because they eat my stocked fish in my little pond. So I have to thin down the snapper population so that I get some of the fish for me and the wife. :) And they aren't just wasted as targets, no. My neighbor loves em (as stew), and he and his sister always get in a playful fight over who's getting the next one. Maybe it wasn't the best nickname for my new bullet without an explanation as to why.
So yes... they are harvested.
expansion testing

I got about forty+ 2L and gallon jugs sitting out by the range now. I've been saving up because I have a couple different ones that I'd like to try on some jugs and hopefully recover some slugs.

One of these days when the heat breaks, and I have a few minutes, and the moon is right, and . . . . . well, you know how it goes. Let's just say "Sometime soon." ;)
Got my lube today.... I'm getting closer. :) I'm really surprised this stuff wasn't a small puddle in the bottom of the mailbox. It was a smoker here today.
Please do post results, if you're not too busy having all of the fun.

I will, as soon as I do the actual shootin'. ;) I've been terribly tied up with job training and it has been just toooooo hot here anyway.
I shoot the 358091 wadcutter & I`ll say this ,even at 900ish fps they blow the biggest hole in the NC. coastal swamp mud bank & it ain`t even HPed.

It`ll be interesting to see what happens at different velocitys !!

Hydrate & have FUN !!!

Be Safe !!!
Ok, I'll bite. Why would you shoot a turtle?

Turtles destroy stock ponds. Ruin any chance of stocking them.

Last year my mother in law begged me to come down there and clear out the turtles on her two ponds in OK.

Fund shooting, most of the time you only get the little bitty head for a target. Those suckers have some pretty good eye sight also. I had to hide behind some brush.

You certainly can go through some ammo.

I used a 22 (CZ 452 Miliary trainer), never thought about cast bullets. Gonna have to try that next time.
I do understand and agree with "Pest Control". Wild hogs here in Texas are pests. I would not be above shooting one/or more and burying it/them. Just to get rid of the hog(s).

Some people like the meat, some do not.
Pest control is exactly that, pest control. It does not matter what the pest is. Why do some animals get special consideration while rats mice and roaches do not, again a pest is a pest.:)
I think I can help you out here, Beagle... :D

IIRC, when I cast these prior to shipping the mold, I went a little overboard toughening the alloy since the Lee WC I hp'd for myself had a tendency to blow all apart. So you'll have to play with your alloy a little to find that balance between not expanding to coming apart on impact.

Here's what they do in water jugs so far though. :D


Left to right...

Left--->As dropped, averaging 137gr. naked.

Middle--->Fired at 5yds in the 38sp. velocity range (about 800fps)
---Cleared 2 water jugs cleanly (not much reaction by the jugs) and stopped in the wet phonebook mess backdrop. Full weight retention, not much noticeable expansion.

Right--->Fired same distance in the medium .357 mag velocity range (for a PB lead WC bullet anyway...about 1050 fps or just a little shy of).
---Cleared 3 water jugs with some pretty good splash and stopped in the wet phonebook backstop. Expanded to .445 with full weight retention. One notable occurrence is that expansion is taking place as ballooning rather than mushrooming. It could likely maintain integrity through several more jumps in FPS before splitting and peeling occur from over-expansion. And even such, it would be frightening to see what kind of damage might occur once that happens. Interesting results so far.

All right Beagle, it's your baby--so now it's your turn to develop it fully! :D
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Hooray - thanks!!!! I haven't shot any bullets in 3 weeks due to weather and job training all not cooperating with me.

There you go guys! The results! :D

(Now I really wanna get out there and give it a whirl.....'tough to recover the slugs from turtles though :))
Last job test was today.... so m a y b e tomorrow or so. It's raining on and off today, and all I'm doing is sizing, lubing and loading things.