the truth will out


New member
In case anyone hadn't noticed, our draft dodging, warrior chiefton now wants total federal registration of all firrearms and their owners.

Never happen here you say. Well now,it already has. Is the state of New Jersey "here". Are the cities of Cleveland, Ohio and New York "here". Last time I looked, they were.

Why would "they" want registration, the crooks won't comply. True, but the law abiding might, and if they did, then "they" (the government) could come around, and pick up all those nasty, oily, smelly, bad guns, for your own good, of course.

If you are absolutely sure you cannot find the time and energy to contact your congress person, close down here, and I'm sorry to have bothered you. If you think that defending your rights might be worth the effort, what are you waiting for?

Alan I think after you've been a member for awhile you'll see that TFL members are very active in the pursuit of preserving our second amendment rights.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Greetings. It is not unusual to feel all alone in the fight, but rest assured you are not. Many here, including the organizers, are working like hell to defeat the gun-grabbing crap being put on us all. I do my part as well and will not bore all with it other than to say that I have contacted all 435 representatives via, phone, fax,letter, and/or emails. This has been done on several occassions. Furthermore, I have a group that I keep informed on a daily basis of what's going on legislatively and have them do the same, often providing model letters for those who have problems in that regard. I am not alone. Many are taking an active part. In Texas, two reps staff members replied to questions that they'd never seen such a cross-section of the population calling to oppose further gun laws, including older ladies. They said it exceeded anything they'd seen in '94. Will we win? Don't know. We're facing a stacked deck and biased media, but I do know that many, many of us will be doing our parts. I know you are frustrated beyond words; "been there done that." It doesn't help. Just scream, yell, kick, or whatever to get it out. Then, get back to work. Fight the good fight. People here at this forum can fill you in on a project they've formulated and enacted. I took a part in it as well. Perhaps you, too, might be interest. Don't give up. Hang in there. Best.

As a "new kid" on this particiular block, I certainly did not intend to denigrate anyone's efforts. If that was the impression I created, my apologies. I have however, been at this since about 1963, when I lived in NYC, and Tom Dodd sat in the senate from Conn. I have also seen, in a number of sportsmen's organizations, gun clubs and such, situations where virtually nobody lifted a finger when it came to the small effort of making a phone call to a local office, or writing a letter. Such comments/observations as I have offered are my own, and reflect, at least in part, personal experience, possibly annoyance and perhaps bitterness too. Obviously however, one should refrain from inflicting such on others. In future, I will try to so do.
