The truth reared its head Friday

Futo Inu

New member
Yes, John Stossel's report on youth violence - it was actually on a major network station show (20/20) in prime time. He cleared the air about how the violence, esp. the mass school shootings, is tremendously over-reported in a sensational manner, relative to deaths from other causes, and how statistics show school violence has been falling, and continues to fall to very low levels overall. Barbara W. couldn't believe it, either - go figure.
I had Drudge on while I scanned tfl and they were discussing the FBI and ATF were forming a data bank of school kids so that they can detect potential problems of violent school kids. What the hell is this country coming to and what can we do about it?
Who the HE** do they think they are. the FBI and ATF putting a data base togeather of kids so they can detect future problems.

Want to bet part of this data base will be if the parents own firarms then the kids will be "high Profile" for doing bad things.

More made up excuses to ban guns and scare gun owners
In metropolitan areas or less populated regions outside of the deep south or heartland of America, private institutions or home schooling are the only alternatives. Anything less is cruel and unusual for a child or young person.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
Stossel is the only major network newsman I know of who speaks the truth. ABC wanted to stop him from reporting non-PC stories, and Stossel threatened to walk, with his high ratings. Now he gets a few hour loung specials per year, as well as reporting on items that interest him, which almost always involves slaying a few sacred cows.

This is must-see tv.
I saw that Stossel report. Ii is interesting that the big media are starting to air reports like this one, AFTER FOX News started to ask some hard questions. FOX News, especially The O'Reilly Factor, really put the heat to themselves and other news media over the handling of tragities like Columbine and the gun control debate. FOX News also asked the real hard question of "Who do we think we are to try and form social poicey, when the charter is only to report the news?". FOX has placed the blame squarly where it belongs; on themselves and their competition is squirming. I hardly watch any national news except for FOX, now. The rest of them are just examples of yellow journalism with a fairly clear agenda.

Joe Portale
Sonoran Sidewinder
Tucson, Arizona territory