The truth about politicians and gun control

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Mark Milton

Saw a thread on another forum today where some well meaning individual was trying to reason with Diane Fineswine about gun control crime and self defense.
He was wasting his time, because like a lot of decent folk, he mistakenly took the arguments that Fineswine, Scummer, Clinton and the rest of the left wing gun ban politicos use as face value.
The reality is that these politicians know their arguments are crap. The arguments are not meant to represent their real motives or agenda. They are just meant to mislead the McSheeple.
These paid, professional liars know that guns don't cause crime. They know that gun control doesn't stop crime.
They just don't care.
They use the anti-gun arguments to con the McSheeple into supporting big government and a police state that they control from the top down.
They could care less about crime in the streets. They live in gated communities with paid mercenaries as security guards toting automatic weapons the typical shooter can neither obtain nor afford.
Crime in the streets doesn't affect them at all, brother!
All they REALLY care about is disarming the McSheeple so that big government will have that much more power, that much more authority over you and that you will have to depend on big goverment and give up that much more of your freedom and your taxes to them.
End of story.
They laugh at people like you, who have not figured that out.
its all about the police state, my man, and has nothing to do with crime or personal freedom or security. The sooner you realize that, the sooner you will figure out what you are dealing with.
IE Tyrants.
All the tyrant ever wants is to disarm the peasant. He or she disarms the peasant for his own benefit, not the peasants.
End of history lesson.

But really, I'm not sure that Clinton, Feinstein or Obama want to rule us under their iron thumb.

Yes, they are misled and deluded by thinking that controlling guns will have an impact on crime, but they are really just trying to get reelected or elected in the first place. I'm not even sure they believe their own propaganda. But someone does, and that is really all that matters to them.

I don't even think this one will be moved to another forum...
Why do you think McCain was pro gun control? He fit the iron fist description much better than any Democrat. Democrats are just blinded from reality by their ideals or willing to do whatever their constituents, who are often suffering from the same vision impairment, want them to do in order to get re-elected.. I find the Republican gun control advocates much more terrifying.

I honestly believe that the VAST majority of liberal gun control supporters honestly believe they will succeed in dropping crime if they ban all guns.
Just as I believe that they think welfare is the way to lift the poor out of poverty.
They are almost all ruled by their ideals and our unwilling to look at the statistics on either issue or many others where their generous and idealistic programs backfire.
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I dissagree....a little bit, anyway.

People like Finestine, Scummer, Clinton and others care about one thing only: the power and prestige that comes to them from being in a high public office. They are addicted to it, crave it and will do anything to keep their positions of power, and to jump to the next level of power, if possible.

They used "gun control" at various times to get votes, campaign and financial support from constituants. Just like they use Gay Marriage to get support from other constituants. They would just as likely champion 2nd Amendment rights if they thought that the folks in their districts would throw votes and money at them. They are nothing nore than political crack-whores who view the real people who's lives they have power over as nothing more than pawns to be used for their pursuit of selfish endevors.
>>>>Yes, they are misled and deluded by thinking that controlling guns will have an impact on crime, but they are really just trying to get reelected or elected in the first place.>>>

Wrong. They are not mislead or deluded and they don't think controlling guns will impact crime at all.

They are lying and they know they are lying.

They just don't care.

All the gun control-victim disarmament dribble is to con the Kool Aid drinking McSheeple into voting for them. They could care less that they are lying to their supporters.

The only reason they want to be elected is so they can have power and authority over the little guy. Thats where the gun control crap REALLY comes in.
But how many of their Straight Party Ticket followers would vote for them if they told the truth — IE "I support disarming law abiding citizens because the less power and control you have in your life them more you will depend on me and rely on me and the more power and authority I will have over you?"

Thats the sad reality of Big Government.
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