The Truth about ammo availability?


New member
I've been told MANY stories about overseas ammo importation recently. But, now I'm hearing other, different stories, and now I want to know the truth!! Here's what I was told a couple of months ago...

There is some type of importation ruling to protect U.S. ammo manufacturers. SUPPOSEDLY, if we set a country up to manufacture ammo (for their military), they cannot take that same hardware/technology and us it to sell cheap ammo back to us. So our ammo manufacturers are protected from being undercut by our own tax dollars at work overseas. Seems that the ATF/State Department(?) has let this go too long, and now they are taking a second look at some of these overseas manufacturers. The two examples given to me were Isreali Military Industries (IMI) and PMC, and I was also told that they were specifically looking at 223 ammo. Is this true? Most 223 ammo has been drying up, not just going quick, and many overseas brands are not even available anymore.

Now, I hear that PMC has gotten the go ahead to start shipping their ammo here again, and Cole Dist. is about to get a bunch of IMI stuff in soon.

Anyone have a GOOD source of info on the real story? All of my info comes from small ammo suppliers, gun show grist, and internet gossip. Who knows the truth?

****** Please don't just repeat old gossip! Let's see if anyone has any real info. ******
I received this today from Cole Distributing:

To our Most Valuable Customers:
This is a current update on the IMI situation. This letter is going out to:
1. people who have e-mail me in the past
2. people who signed up for our mailing list from our site
3. members of the AR-15 list

Gary and I have been placed in a very miserable situation by IMI in
Israel,bottom line ,they have not delivered any ammo into this Country since
January. For whatever the reasons, it happened. I can assure you that it
wasn't due to our not wanting it for our customers.

They also, didn't read the American Market place very well, and this
resulted in a lot of pissed off customers contacting us daily by phone and
e-mail. Each time I put a delivery time frame up, it came back and smashed
me in the face ,and I to,got very tired. I was more upset over having to
come back and keep changing the story.

NOW- on the 24th of this month or earlier a ship with 2 containers will be
landing from the "Holy Land"! This will contain .223 and 9mm. Being honest
with you I can tell you that the prices will not be the same as in January
and there will be a slight increase. Those prices will be sent when we get
the final documents. In addition, the political climate and availability has
also changed over the last 4 months making it more difficult to get and to
hold onto various types of ammo.

Regarding advanced orders- we are not setup nor do we want to be taking
peoples monies in advance. Our customers will be contacted first and then
later on we will post, you will definitely get the first shot. We have a
secure e-fax number which is a fax that goes right to my computer, we have
e-mail numbers and phones. All of this info is at our site under ordering.
Lastly, you will very shortly notice some other surprises and
products,because we will never get caught out there again and not have
Thank You,
Bob Lippman-Cole Distributing
I do not have all the data, or contacts available to Cole Dist., and or others who are actually in the business, however as I understand them, the facts are as follows. Lilely at the behest of Clinton himself, or some of his hirelinmgs. both BATF and State Dept. have been closely examining import applications, and holding up imports already improved. Materials that had been "in the pipeline" have, as I understand, been held at dockside, and not released to the purchasers, the licensed importers. I believe that there have been legal actions filed by some of the foregoing, but am not aware of their final disposition, if any had been reached. Hope that the above helps, some.

From: Ivan8883 6-23-99 441PMEDT For the people already stocked up with whatever they need,congratulations! You understand what is on the way. For the rest of you, I would advise you to go to the next big gun show and get what you will need pronto!It doesnt take a rocket scientist to see that the screws are being put on ammo imports.Two popular calibvers,223 and 762 AK SKS ammo were not plentiful at all. I really dont need to see any official papers on stopping or severely restricting ammo imports.One major CREATED crisis here in America will stop all of it:gun shows,ammo availability,etc. Beat the boys to the punch now. Load up! Ivan
Gino, this "restriction" has nothing to do with "protecting" US manufacturers.

It is a liberal (no surprise) interpretation by Klinton of the State Dept's import regulations. Basically it states that ANY foreign company that uses "US technology or equipment" to manufacture ammunition, that can be or has been procured by the military for military use - cannot be imported and sold to law abiding citizens.

This means that if 20 years ago some military procurement officer went to an Isreali ammo plant and said, "it would be better to do it this way", - that would be considered "US technology". Now do you see how ludicrist Klinton is willing to get to deprive us of our 2nd?

If you look at the NRA web page, there was a release from Tanya M. about this - an official statement and explanation of what Klinton is doing.

Buy it while you can. They can't stop the ammo completely but they can slow it down to a crawl.

Join NRA, GOA and vote!
The Sportsmans guide just cancelled my order of 1200 rounds of .223 IMI What's up? The guy said that an executive order ban was sighned on June 3rd So I buoght 1000 7.62X39 What 's up ban or no ban?

The UPS man just delivered today 1,000 rounds of 7.62X39, 500 rounds of 45ACP and 10 AK 30-round mags from Cole Distributing. Apparently the so-called
"executive ban" hasn't gone into effect yet.
From: Ivan88836-26-99 730PM EDT I was at the Frederick, Md. Gun Show today and, to my surprise, ammo was very plentiful and in all calibers. ammo was also still cheap.7.62x39 was $109.00 per thousand for Russian H.P. They also had US made FN FAL with pistol grip but no flashider for $585.00 out the door. I do not know how good the receivers are, however. I still think Feds will eliminate imported ammo soon. But what do you think? Ivan8883