The trouble with Congress.....


New member
So I wrote to my Senators and Rep, and 2 of the 3 reply with the same BS. I told them I do not want one (1) more gun control law passed, and that they must enforce existing laws. Both replies were (paraphrasing) "thanks for sharing, you'd be HAPPY to know that I've co-sponsored some of the strongest legislation to control guns...yadda yadda yadda, reasonable gun laws."

My head is sore from banging it against the wall. The next letter I write I will invite them to my house for dinner, and offer to teach them to shoot.
I liked the idea about sending monopoly money as a contribution to their campaigns with a letter stating, As soon as you start representing me, I'll start sending you real contributions. Great attention getter. Whoever thought of that was a genius.

With Chris Dodd in the senate, you have a problem. I don't know who the other senator is, nor who your congress person might be. Been years since I spent any time in CT.

About the only thing one can offer, is to keep at it, and possibly suggest that re the next election, work for the opponent, if there is one of them.
"One useless man is a disgrace...
Two, become a lawfirm...
And three or more are a Congress!"

From the Stage production "1776"

Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac

[This message has been edited by George Hill (edited September 25, 1999).]
In responce to you topic line.
..they are fulltime, when they should only meet six months,every two years.
Rep. Shays (who actually has a survey result on his page that shows americans do not think gun control is an important issue for congress) and the other is Sen. Lieberman. I believe both senators were happy with their affilations to Feinsteins legislation... :( I have not heard anything about Rep. Shays, pro or anti. I guess I should check at the GOA website...
Its their job to pass laws. Even when we don't NEED any new laws, these fellas feel the need to justify their existence. No new laws: no job. No job: no money or power. No money/power: no affairs with interns. (But I digress...)

Where the choice is between only violence and
cowardice, I would advise violence."
— Mohandas Gandhi
GOA has all three as Anti-gun voters or leaders. All CT (Constitution State) reps and senators get an F, except onw who is not rated. There ya go...
Send your Critters another letter. Include a copy of your original letter, highlighting the part about no new gun laws. Behind that, include a copy of their replies highlighting the part about sponsered some of the most...yadda, yadda. On your cover letter wax eloquent about the Critter not listening to his people. Mention the two letters as proof.

You might also send a couple of copies to your States largest newspapers.

George, since I'm a sole practitioner, not a law firm, does that mean I'm not useless, or is that an error in logic? Modus ponens, modus tollens - anyone take a class in logic?

I thought I had it bad when my critters always respond "As you know, I'm a strong believer in the Second Amendment....", without addressing my specific reason for writing - but at least they're pro-gun, every last one (Oklahoma). But talk about non-responsive - your letters flat out ignored the ones you sent, except to get the general topic area correct. I'd respect the congressman a lot more if he just said. "No. Shove it. I'm for more gun control and I don't care what you think." On the next one you send, open with a seemingly normal paragraph about "gun control", then in paragraph two, state. "So, fu*k you very much, come down and eat me sometime."

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited September 27, 1999).]

I know how you feel, I've gotten the form letters in return to. Isn't it wonderful that they care so much. I'd post some of my letters I've written and the responses, but then you'd be afraid to talk to me. I had a rep hang-up on me, after we had a verbal exchange over the juvenile justice bill. I had 100 friends call his office the next day, and guess what, he voted as we asked him to, after he hung-up on me stating the people wanted more gun restrictions.

Maybe it's just mass callings that work.

Live Free or Die Trying,

Steve Moody

Just once wouldn't it be nice to hear a politician say,"I don't believe this way, but the people do."
Futo - the quote is about USELESS people...
You sir, are far from and thus removed from association... Be at peace my friend, it is an old show - 1776 can be rented from most video stores that have a "Musicals" section - it is very funny. the speaker was John Adams who was enraged at Congressional Ineptitude.
Of course when somebody called him a Lawyer later in the show he has at him with his cane... Very funny... But pay no head to John Adams, he is obnoxious and disliked. Did you know that?


Not all Liberals are annoying... Some are Dead.
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac