The Tromix 50BMG is the only BMG that can be fired off the
top of the shoulder, similar to the firing of a LAWS Rocket.
The recoil experienced when firing this weapon is well,
let just say it makes a
12 gauge shotgun feel like Pez dispenser.
With two hand grips, and shoulder rest, "Man, what a ride!"
You will note that the Tromix shoulder fired 50BMG rifle is
not equipped with a muzzle brake and is intended to be
carried and fired from the shoulder as a rifle should be.
Firing a rifle as if it were a piece of ground mounted
artillery, in the fashion of most all other 50BMG rifles, is
simply for the weak of heart.
You simply cannot enjoy the true experience of firing the
50BMG until you stand there, bringing the gun to your
shoulder, and lighting off a round like a rifle should truly
be fired. Most men don’t squat to pee, nor do they
operate their recreational rifles like a piece of farm
equipment. With that said... you and this bad boy will be
the envy at any rifle or plinking range. BMG_frame.htm