The trend towards loss of American Freedom...


New member
First, a story that pertains to this...

In a remote vally deep in the Asian continent, there lived a rare and elusive animal that was seldom seen and many believed was merely a legend. It was rumored to be very beautiful and have hair that was more luxurious than the finest silk.

A very rich man heard of this rare animal and vowed to capture some. He traveled to a village nearby and talked to the villagers about his plan. They scoffed and laughed at him. He told the villagers that he would capture ALL of the animals within 90 days.

He found the vally where the animals supposedly came at night to feed. He brought
sweet grains and hay every day and put it there for the animals to eat. And each day he planted ONE tall, strong fence post...

As the days passed, the fence grew...

At the end of 90 days, all of the rare animals were captured... having gradually becoming accustomed to the fence slowly being built around their favorite food...

they lost their freedom one day, one fence post, at a time...

In the same manner are we Americans losing our freedom...

... don't let Clinton and the politicians continue to plant their fence posts...

Stand against evil, lest evil have its way...
Gun control in America has occurred incrementally. We've become a nation of sheep. It is unlikely we will be able to remove the oppressive laws incrementally so it will need to occur in one fell swoop. Exciting times ??? are ahead.