The Time Is Coming

Ernest T. Bass

New member
The time is coming my friends when there will be 2 types of people. Those that are willing to fight for their right to bear arms in a free society, and those who will stand in line to turn their firearms over to the government as was recently witnessed in Australia.

Which are you? Have you really thought it out. Are you really ready to sacrifice everything? The way things are going, the speed with which anti-gun propaganda is being spilled forth from newspapers and TV, it is going to happen sooner than you think.

We have traveled too far down the slippy road toward totalitarianism that there is no longer a political solution. Registration or confiscation, at what point will you resist?
We could do it at the voting booth, if we only had the resolve....

If not now, when? If not us, who?

Must our kids take up arms and die for freedom because we were to scared to vote the rascals out?
The problem with the voting booth is that the rascals will be replaced by more rascals(moral/intellectual weaklings).

An armed rebellion is doomed to fail.

The only way that either of the above has a chance is through a drastic change in public opinion. During the American Revolution, the overwhelming majority of citzens knew that what they were fighting for was proper. Today, the majority think that freedom is impractical or evil. Public opinion has led us to the situation of today. Only a change in public opinion can reverse it.

As long as the individual is still free to speak and write in America, the process can be reversed without bloodshed. When the First Amendment is no longer a reality, then nothing is left but force. What we are doing in this forum is the solution. Do more of it. I suggest that everyone take a critical look at all of the parties and candidates on their ideas of free speech, especially via the Internet.
I'd have to agree with that. We are too divided as a nation and will continue to be for a long time. A house divided against itself will not stand. If people are too apathetic to vote, they're way too apathetic to take that kind of action.

The only response is to do what's right, make the changes you can, and ride it out.

You stated that the "majority" of Americans think freedom is impractical/evil, although this statement is true to a certain extent I must refute this statement. Yes there are many people who are not willing to fight for their freedom and also see democracy as a threat, but that is not the majority of America. The media and government has led the public to BELEIVE that the majority of Americans feel a certain way, but in reality they don't, the majority of Americans feel like you, me, and the rest of us on TFL. The liberal media polls don't mean anything we all know they are manipulated. Take gun control polls for example, we see gun control polls every day on the internet and 19 out of 20 times they want LESS gun control, but the media picks that one that was put on the bias HCI website wanting MORE gun control and portrays it on the news rather than the 19 wanting LESS. Another example is Bill Clinton, every speech filled with his rhetoric crap starts off "the majority of Americans" or "the American public" which is untrue. Look at what hes did with law enforcent, "the majority of LEO beleive we need more gun control" and now look at law Enforcements response, 65,000+cops went to washington to protest clinton and gun control. My point is don't be manipulated by the media and think that the majority of americans are against us, there not. In numbers who do you know more, antis or patriots/pro-gun?
One question. If our guns are taken from us before the 1st is, with what will we fight with when they take the 1st?


The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.
ET I think that most of us have a plan in mind if the day you mentioned ever happens. The question remains if that will ever happen? I think that most of the gun control rhetoric is just talk. Though I don't doubt that the powers that be would like to see us disarmed, they also realize that this is highly unlikely, because the anti's don't have the resolve that gunowners have. I see that a tax or fee increase is more likely. Call it a sin tax or outdoors tax, the liberal Counter-culture McGoverninks will do whatever it takes to tax you and let you feel greatful just to hang onto your guns.

hank rearden98,i think that at the start of the revolutionary war it was only the minority of americans that wanted to kick out the british.concerning how would we fight for the first amendment if they remove the second amendment.well, my opinion is that most people do not care about the first either,most people only say and think what is p.c.,and if there were demonstrations the powers would just laugh anyway as they got their less than lethal high tech.-stop them in their tracks spray foam glue out.why do you think that the powers that be have been developing these less than lethal weapons? i beleive one purpose -could-be unruly citizen control. thankyou arthur

Your right in your idea that a majority did not favor a war in 1776. The fact is Jefferson was so radical Franklin and Adams asked him not to push for the declaration, because they felt the other delegates would think of it as an invite to war, which it was. Paine's common sense, is a work of literature that led in lots of ways to swinging some people. But at the start of the war a majority was not behind it. They jumped on the bandwagon later.

It's not yet to late to take control, but we must do it. We where given the second as a way to insure our government stayed fair and impartial. We as Americans have failed by not making it stay that way. We don't need new politicians, what we need is to lean on them in such a way that they do as they are supposed to.

Live Free or Die Trying,

Steve Moody

Just once wouldn't it be nice to hear a politician say,"I don't believe this way, but the people do."
Like I have stated before, I believe we have maybe 3% of the population now willing to do anything to save our freedoms and about the same number in favor of the Soviet System being set up now in America. The vast majority are simply fence sitters and dont really care eithere way. The Patriots biggest problem is that the rotten 3% have control of the media(mainstream media), the Congress(yes including tons of RepublicrATS), the judicial system, the financial system, the Federal and most local police, and the military. JUst my humble opinion backed up by events ,especially in the last 7 to 10 years.
Solo, I have participated in many forums such as this one. Most people do not believe that freedom is evil. It is most of the intellectuals, dominant media people, bureaucrats and liberal politicians who do. What I have found is that most people, and conservative politicians, have accepted the idea that individual liberty is not practical in modern society; that individuals cannot be trusted to manage their own affairs without a degree of interference by government. Instead of having a government that's only function is to defend the country, keep the peace and settle disputes; they accept one aspect or another of the welfare state, whether it be state run schools, gun control, fiat currency, job programs, taxpayer financed parks and hunting preserves, censorship to "save the children," socilized medicine, social security, medicare, medicade, subsidized farmers, subsidized railroads, govt. run mail service, tobacco use, drug and alcohol regulation, etc.

As for the American Revolution, the majority did think that what they were fighting for was proper. What they were fighting for was their Individual Rights as Englishmen. How they finally chose to do this was to fight for their independence from the British. The disagreement was over the means, not the end. Freedom was the goal. How it was to be achieved was where the disagreement lay. Ultimately war and independence was chosen when it became obvious that the King could not be reasoned with and would use force to retain control over the Colonies. They knew what they wanted, freedom was it. As heirs to that period of freedom and reason known as the Enlightenment, they would never have agreed that freedom was evil or impractical as do most modern Americans. Its that idea that must be challenged and changed if we are not to be completely enslaved.
Hey if you really want to know what most people care about here is a probable list

1. Whith whom will I be sharing nocturnal exersize with / who is exersizing with who else

2. Is that the last beer or do we have a extra six pack

3. What was the score of my favorite sports team

4. What is the weather like

5. What is on the Tube

6. Is that on sale


100,000,000 Is this a free and constutional govt, ah who cares I got mine