the tide has turned...


New member
I finally grabbed a Mosin nagant 91/30 from my LGS today, I gave it a nice hot bath to loosen up the cosmoline and now it is one of the prettiest I've seen in person, I'm glad I went with an FFL transfer from Kentucky Gun Co instead of buying locally. I now have the main battle rifle from each of the allied forces in WWII

top: 91/30, middle: springfield 1903, bottom Savage No4 MK1


I suppose now I have to start collecting brass and stockpiling money so I can build up my axis power collection now :D
the garand was not considered the main battle rifle of the US and the canadians and australians both used enfield no4s like the one at the bottom. mine is a savage made for england but my little brother does have a sporterized longbranch so I kindof, pseudo do have one from the royal canadian forces :D
I'm sure he would :D despite what you see on paper, the M1 was not issued to a majority of troops until after Normandy due to the huge surplus of 1903s, the currently produced 1903A3s and the relatively slow production process of the M1. upon our entry to WWII more troops were issued BARs than M1s.
The M1 was certainly the main battle rifle of the US in WWII. Respectfully, I don't care if George Patton called it a Turkey sandwich on Rye re: the main battle rifle of the USA in WWII, but he said that the M1 was the greatest battle implement ever made

It was adopted in 1936 by the US Army, as a replacement for the 1903 rifle and variants. That's simply a matter of record, no matter what was issued when or why; that's an entirely different subject. Before the end of the war, M1 production eclipsed the 1903 and it's variants as well, it's just a fact that the military had more m1s regardless of who got them at the front. You may rationalize that the 1903 was the main battle rifle and that's up to you, but you will find yourself in a very select club ;)

Please, please please get an M1907 sling for your '03. Pretty please
sorry chris B, I'm a cheap bastard, I would rather the sling that I made out of $5 worth of paracord than pay $70 for a replica to make it look period correct. maybe someday I'll get a little extra back on my taxes and I'll splurge but for now I'll keep my ugly paracord sling.
"...the M1 was not issued to a majority of troops until after Normandy due to the huge surplus of 1903s, the currently produced 1903A3s and the relatively slow production process of the M1."

You better check your facts...

"upon our entry to WWII more troops were issued BARs than M1s."

TOTAL internet BS...

alright, alright, I won't push the issue, the statements made are all from a personal observation standpoint rather than public record. I guess I should rephrase the OP to say "I now have the most fielded bolt action rifle from each of the allied armies of WWII"
Change it to MBR with bolt action and.....

Realisticaly the M1 would have to be included if going to overall, and please do not forget our French allies who were issued (?) LeBelle or something like that.

Polish when they fought the Germans

And you are right that a lot of troops continued to be issued 1903s till the end and many in main line formations on active fronts.

It gets to be a slippery slope!