The Tally


New member
So far I've sat 9 times in the stand. Very little activity over all.

I found a doe and two little one bedded up in some dog fennel one afternoon. Same sit I saw a lot of white on a small deer in the cut-over, thinking it may be a pie-bald.

Had a doe and fawn get bumped up by something and come by at about 180yds opening AM. Saw the doe go by, she came back and then picked up the fawn's head bobbing through some pretty tall grass.

On another sit, I had a doe come out, stretch out to the feeder and jump back. A minute later a second doe (with a moose's head) comes out and does the same thing. Got to looking closer and there was a snake in the feeder. They moved off and came out in another lane about 40yds from me, then moved on off.

Today is the start of when we can take does. You can take them at any time from the 15th on if you have tags. October starts doe days on weekends as well, no tags needed. Does can also be harvested at any time forward with a bow.

Now, we just need some cooler weather to get them moving in the daylight a little better.
My first time in the stand is gonna be this weekend. Season just opened last Saturday, so hopefully they won't be too wise just yet. :D

Temp in the mid 70s, lows in the 50s. I expect some movement, but not too much as we are just getting out of a 4 day cold snap, where the overnights were about 15 degrees cooler.
At least you are seeing deer Saltydog.

Went out last Saturday and didn't see a single deer. That is unusual.

Early Urban Antlerless season started here the beginning of September. License comes with 3 antlerless tags and 3 either sex tags. Can't shoot a buck till the first weekend of October when the regular archery season starts.

I live and mostly hunt in a part of the state that is archery only all season. The only good thing is that deer season runs from October to beginning of January and we can shoot a buck or a doe, unlimited per day. Once we fill our 3 antlerless tags we can get bonus tags 6 for $18. We do have an earn a buck deal though. I have to shoot 2 doe before shooting a second buck.

Once the regular (gun season) ends in the state the beginning of January, the urban antlerless seasons come back in. My county's season goes til end of April.
Sat last night and didn't see a thing. We had some thunderstorms popping around and lots of lightening so that might have had something to do with it. And the logging crews didn't finish up until about 6:30 on a section they were working on.

Will go again on Friday evening and then Saturday AM. With all the logging activity this year, these deer have been a bit spooked and hard to pattern. Might have to go to the log skidder stand when they leave. Seems like they pop out in those areas as soon as crews leave. More than one deer has been killed from the cab of the big steel stands.
Hadn't been seeing too much until last Wednesday then things changed. Wednesday sitting late I heard him before I saw him in the fading light. I knew which one he was and got settled on him and missed. Chalked that up to bad light and a rushed shot. Friday I had a big sookie at about 120yds, settled in, good rest, breathing right and shoot. Thought I had stoned her over in the thicket. Kept on sitting due to deer still being in the lane and on the feeder. Got down at dark to check, nothing but a limb about a 1'0" over where I was aiming was knicked.

After investigation, my gun was 12" high at 100yds. I had taken the gun out of the case and leaned it up to let the case dry, my 4yo had turned the elevation turret, Trijicon's don't lock. He and I both learned our lessons.

Got the gun sighted back in and popped a 108 lb doe Saturday night and a 70lb doe last night. 70-80 is about average for does in this neck of the woods. Last night's sookie was a pie-bald.

Had a 4 point early last night, then 2 spikes, followed by a nice young 8 point that didn't meet the club minimum and then two does.
Yes sir, they're starting to move a bit. Another club member shot a nice 8 Saturday night and he was swollen up and rank. Too bad he was 15.5" and not 16", fertilizer fund contribution. That deer went 190 which is pretty good sized especially with it still being hot.

I think we're about 2-3 weeks from being in the rut. Scraping activity is picking up, bucks seem to be moving more too.
Saw a doe and yearling this AM. Sitting on my big buck nemesis stand tonight. No one has been in it since I sat on Wednesday, his tracks were in my boot prints in the mud. Kept getting a whiff of that rank buck smell on the breeze too. Don't think he was far from me but never saw anything. Big mature swamp donkeys around here a hard to kill.