"The State of the Industry"

Rob Pincus

New member
NSSF gave a presentation tonight at SHOT about the state of the industry. Basically they said we'd better all join together. (which btw, means donating money to them, apparently ;)).

they showed a 13 minute video about the law suits currently facing the industry and Charlton Heston gave a stirring speech about how we need to join forces against those who would take away our rights.

Several Companies made donations in the 6 figures area to the Heritage Fund to help fight the legal battles.

FWIW, the medium size banquet room was filled to capacity and then some with about a hundred people in the hall outside the room trying to listen through the doors.

It was a hell of lot more successful than the NSSF's usual "annual meeting" tradition of boring 10 people to sleep by going over their budget expenditures from the preceeding year. (note that 8 of those 10 people acutally attended the annual meeting every year because they were getting awards. the other two were gun geeks like me I guess ;))
i think they are right, we all do need to join together. if we don't, not only will we lose our right to keep and bear arms but it'll show what a sorry lot we are by not standing up and fighting for what is ours. i would be ashamed to know that i was a part of the time in history, that would record us, as the ones who lost the 2nd Admendment Rights, because we did not fight!!

fiat justitia