The snipe hunt

I was showing a nesting woodcock to a group and telling them about the bird. I said woodcock is in the snipe family . A voice from the back of the group said "You mean there is actually such a thing as a snipe ? " :rolleyes::D
My wife's from England and had never heard of snipes. Took her on one when we came back to the states. My father told her the joke, and I ended up sleeping on the couch for a few nights. :p
Shoot YA. Go all the time.Funny you say that had some for supper taste just like chicken. Ya'll come on down we'll get a sack full its better than KFC

Yeah Ive been, way back when some 40 years ago when I was in the Boy Scouts.
A few "older" kids wanted to take several of us snipe hunting when we went on a scouting camp out. One or two to hold the bag and a few more to run around and scare the snipes into the bag:eek:
Luckily, I knew better and just watched the shananigins going on :D
Funny stuff !!
Never could keep snipe and woodcock straight in my head.......

But then hunting snipe did serve as a excuse to get a girlfriend out in not go there. But then I did marry her.......
Not snipe,,, Jackalope,,,,,

We moved to an island off the Upper Peninsula of Michigan when I was 4 years old,,,
In the bar/restaurant/grocery store/etc they had some jackalopes mounted on the wall.

My Grandfather, Dad, and an uncle or two told me how ferocious they were,,,
They would charge you and gore your ankles with their horns.

That evening they set me out on a picnic table near the rental cabins,,,
I had a blanket, a flashlight, and my Daisy BB rifle,,,
Mom did bring me hot chocolate after a while,,,
The men sat inside drinking and laughing.

Dad came and brought me in when I finally fell asleep out there.

They didn't tell me the truth for a month or so,,,
I stalked the danged things until then,,,
I think Mom threatened violence.


I have always known of the bird that gave it's name to sharp shooters the world 'round...

But I also know of the "snipe hunt"... when we were invited to go I respectfully declined... I told my buddies what the gig was but told them to go along with it... I was able to "cloak" their every move...

I am sure that to this day there are several men tellin' stories of unknown critters in the woods that chilly fall michigan night...;)

Save your breath !!

Some of us actually have hunted snipe
Yes there are and I'm one of them. I have hunted both species; the night dwellers and the daytime real "birds". Some folks can't tell the difference between a Snipe and Woodcock, so they call anything that looks like one, a Woodcock. There environment, food and habits are simular. .... ;)

Be Safe !!!
I always thought there were two ways to hunt snipe: With a shotgun in the daytime (Beretta didn't make the "Silver Snipe" O/U for nothing), and trapping them at night. The daytime shooting is pretty traditional; but; trapping snipe after dark is subject to a great deal of situational improvisation and typically results in bagging something other than snipe.
Can and did happen !!!

trapping snipe after dark is subject to a great deal of situational improvisation and typically results in bagging something other than snipe.
That actually happened to us on a Scout camp-out. I use to be a Scoutmaster and this was a typical trick we would pull on the new kids. I usually stayed back in camp and listened to the kids up on the hillside. The older kids kept yelling and getting excited about seeing them and catching as well. It was a riot and then they came back to camp and were having a good laugh except for one kid who said he had one. We saw his bag moving and just stared at it and each other. We never really found out what he got as I took the bag back into the woods, opened it and quickly walked away. Asked what it was and I said it was a snipe, just like the kid said .... :eek:

That got everybody, thinking !!!

Be Safe !!!
Back in the 70s I was heavy into duck and goose hunting on the Palmer Hay Fats near Anchorage.

There were a lot of "snipe" there, I mean a lot, I figured why not, I'll get a few, using my Remington 870 I got a pot full. I got them home and my wife was going to fix them up for freezing. If you ever ate "snipe", they are like dove, you just pop the breat out with your thumbs, that's all there is to eat on those little suckers and it takes quite a few to make a meal.

Anyway I had them setting on the cabinet with a lid on the pot to keep wife's cats out.

So the wife gets all ready to fix the and removes the lid. One of the little suckes popped his head up "chirp, chirp"............aparently he wasn't quite "sniped" all the way.

Wife lets out a scream, and I sleep on the couch that night.

Sniping is a very dangerous business.
still remember my only snipe hunt

The older scouts gave us burlap bags had us line up and hold a rope and led us into the darken woods. Once in the woods, we were allowed to drop the rope but stay in line. We then opened the bags, bent over and began walking up the hill side with the open bags loudly saying "Beep" and a few seconds later "Boop". Near the top of the hill we turned around to march down again using the same method. The older scouts had flashlights, we walked into trees. One of the younger scouts began yelling "I got one" and everyone gathered round. You could immediatly smell the skunk and an older scout grabbed the bag and tossed it away from everyone. We then fled the woods to the comfort of the campfire. The older scouts explained the snipes must have been in the pasture tonight, but most of us had figured it out by then.
The next morning I was assigned the job of walking to the next farm house (about a mile away) to borrow their "left handed smoke shifter". The farmers wife told me they had just loaned it out, but consouled me with milk and cookies.
Good ole camp Cedar Hollow. the good days.
In only ever went on one snipe hunt. I took my wife (then just girlfriend) on a snipe hunt at night. We never did find a snipe :p but of course we never made it further than the hood of my car...:D
snipe hunting and cow tipping generally are saved for the yankees when they come down to the south. When I lived in Iowa I did ask some of the guys from the church if they'd ever been. Most rolled their eyes which was a good thing since a few were gullable. We never got to go though.
I remember taking some younger scouts on a snipe hunt once. We told them snipe were attracted to bright white, so the bag holders had to strip down to boxers and undershirts. Then we went out in the tall grass and started making a bunch of noise and rustling around. We finished the hunt by tossing the couple of dozen water balloons we had hidden in the grass earlier that day... ahhhh, good times.
Of course there are Snipe! Where do you think the term Snipe-er came from??? Remember that the next time you hear the term sniper rifle. :p