Death from Afar
New member
This is not a troll.
Over a few beers in the Club the other night, the conversation turned ( as one would naturally expect) to shooting. The talk turned to shotguns, and the usual Mossberg vs Remington fist fight started. After that, however, the convfersation turned to shot. One of the dudes asked: " What is the point of a shotgun slug?" Which raised an interesting point. Putting aside "shotguns only" hunting regulations ( which we dont have in New Zealand BTW) why do we we use shotgun slugs?
Admittedly they are a powerful, and will bowl just about anything, but buck will do the same- and you loose the advantage of a spread pattern, do run the risk of overpenetration, and are "inaccurate" compared to buckshot ( i.e harder to hit a small area).
Now, I do enjoy blasting slugs as much as the next man, but on the occassions I use a shotgun for hunting larger animals- and SHTF scenarios- I would be loading up with 00 buck.
So, having endured this long narrative, I put it to you...why slugs?
Over a few beers in the Club the other night, the conversation turned ( as one would naturally expect) to shooting. The talk turned to shotguns, and the usual Mossberg vs Remington fist fight started. After that, however, the convfersation turned to shot. One of the dudes asked: " What is the point of a shotgun slug?" Which raised an interesting point. Putting aside "shotguns only" hunting regulations ( which we dont have in New Zealand BTW) why do we we use shotgun slugs?
Admittedly they are a powerful, and will bowl just about anything, but buck will do the same- and you loose the advantage of a spread pattern, do run the risk of overpenetration, and are "inaccurate" compared to buckshot ( i.e harder to hit a small area).
Now, I do enjoy blasting slugs as much as the next man, but on the occassions I use a shotgun for hunting larger animals- and SHTF scenarios- I would be loading up with 00 buck.
So, having endured this long narrative, I put it to you...why slugs?