The six guns days.


New member
I find myself more and more lately reading about when revolvers were the primary sidearm used for military police and armed citizens. Does anyone have any good stories, about when they carried one for police or personal use. I carry a s&w 638 Almost exclusively. Not from lack of options either ,but because I really enjoy shooting it. I also have had recent business doings with charter arms they seem like very nice people . Does anybody have any here have previous experience with charter arms. Thanks for any input given
I have carried and used Charter Arms guns since the 1970s.
This one was bought as a car gun.
Then, I decided to do a cheap engraving demo on the gun. I just cold blued the cuts. Left the gun in my car for a couple of years. It wouldn't rust! The car was stolen, and about a year later, the gun was recovered.
I then used it as a "counter gun" in my communications business. My business was burgled, burned, and the gun stolen again. 4 Days later, local LE found the gun in a car a block from my business.
I figured the old gun deserved some TLC, so I finished the engraving, did an action job, gold plated the trigger, made the grips from a set of "bulldog" grips, and had the gun hard chrome plated. It's now my wife's bedside gun.


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You would enjoy the book, No Second Place Winner by Bill Jordan. All about gunfights and gun fighting when revolvers were all the police carried. Do a search, copies are still available for as little as $15, but some sell for up to $45. It is a classic for any revolver enthusiast.
My first civilian LE carry revolver was a six inch Colt Python, that I carried from '78 till '88, when we switched to wondernines. I always felt the mere sight of that hand cannon caused the situation to de escalate.

An undercover with a 3” barrel my late brother in law carried it as an EWO on a B52 during Vietnam

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When I first started with the Park Service in the early 80's, you were not issued a handgun at the academy, as they do now. Sidearms, all revolvers of course, were held at the Park(s) where one was posted, and what was available was a broad mix, and you took what you were issued. The .38spl +P+ 110 gr JHP was standard up until about 1990, when the .357/125/110 with mag loads was adopted for a few years, before auto pistols began issuing from the academy. Eventually, everybody got an academy issue auto pistol, which you then retained from post to post. I'll not go into the details of locations, but here's a list of what I encountered as I stumbled through my career.

My first, duty gun, happily enough, was a S&W M15. I purchased a set of square butt Pachmyer grips, which I screwed on and off all my issue revolvers for the rest of my employment. Though the finish on the M15 was rough, the gun was in good shape mechanically.

Next came a heavy barrel Model 10. Interestingly, that second Park was in the process of returning their aged revolvers to S&W for a reblue and factory tune up. When that was complete, they went off to Trijicon for a set of night sights. My Model 10 looked and handled factory new, the trigger was a delight, and the night sights were a tech wonder, but I did not care for the fixed sights, regardless.

Third posting yielded a S&W M66 and the stainless steel was a welcome change, as it cut maintenance down a bit. The stainless withstood a bit of carelessness if one left the gun in a soaked leather holster 'till next shift, whereas a blued gun would typically rust if so neglected. We still shot .38+P+ even though the guns of course, were magnum chambered. The M66's had night sights upon my arrival.

My last revolver was a M686, also with night sights. During that same period, the NPS had some shootings with the .38 +P+ ammo that did not yield good stops, so the switch was made to magnum loads. The 125gr was standard, , but 110 was also authorized if the 125's were too hot for a marginal shooter. Compared to the .38's, magnum blast and muzzle flash were terrific. Pachmyer grips became common. I never felt undergunned with the M686/.357/125 combo, something I could not say about the various .38's.

In the early 90's, the NPS went to SIGS, initially a P228 during the transition process, then an elective program, and I selected P220. That's worth another post someday.
I have found the modern Charter Arms about the best for after sales support and service of any firearms maker since the 1960s.

I grew up when semi-automatics other than Colts were pretty much Foreign Fads and all the real guns other than a few Colts were revolvers. It was kinda funny though since the US had been quite the innovator in Semi-Automatics since the early 1900s. Now I find I have almost twice as many semi-automatics as revolvers but find that both types get pretty much equal WalkAbout.
In Vietnam, Marine NCO, my father sent me a S&W 19 as a BUG to my M-14. Wheel guns were VERY popular with us Grunts as a 'last ditch' weapon. Wheel guns were much preferred over the 1911 .45
I currently have a Charter Arms Off Duty .38 which i REALLY like. Carry it often, makes frequent trips to the range (well, when i could go to the range). Maybe a tad bit snappy (which is fully expected on such a lightweight revolver) It goes bang every time and is quite accurate.

Also have a Pathfinder .22 LR. Had an issue with it keyholing shortly after purchase... contacted Charter and, since i work nearby, just dropped off for repair. It was ready in a couple of days. I also received a tour from Mr. Ecker, the owner, which i did not ask for or expect. It was a very nice gesture and greatly appreciated since it was my first time at a firearms manufacturer. Charter has a great staff on hand, many have been there for a long time... a very family-biz type atmosphere.

I also want to mention... during the tour I noticed their "guns to be repaired" cabinet (it's not a big cabinet) and there were very few guns on the shelf requiring repair (which explains the very quick turnaround on mine).

I can't say enough good things about the folks at Charter Arms and wouldn't hesitate to purchase another or recommend to someone considering a Charter.
I started in police work in the '70s. Those were definitely the six gun days, so I'll share some of my early six gun experience. Only revolvers were authorized for carry. Most were issued S&W Model 10s, with a very few officers receiving Colts; Official Police models I think they were. Personally owned 4" Colts and S&W .38/.357s were also authorized, all with the issued .38 Spcl. Remington or Winchester 125 JHP +P ammunition. Almost immediately I qualified with and carried a S&W model 66. We were later authorized to carry .357 ammo, IF we could qualify with it. Some officers were unsuccessful in the attempt, and continued to use .38 only. Those successful were issued cards, required to be carried on duty, to show we actually had qualified with .357. I carried the 66 for several years, and finally wore it out, shooting mostly Magnum ammo recreationally. I sent it to S&W back in '80 for an overhaul. S&W replaced everything except frame and side plate. Still have the old 66, which led an easy life post overhaul as I started carrying a S&W L-Frame soon afterward.

I don't have any experience with Charter Arms revolvers to share.

PS, In Vietnam, we were issued 1911A1 .45s, but Company 1st. Sgt. preferred his personally owned 4" Colt Trooper .38. Guy in another unit showed me his personally owned commercial Browning Hi Power....


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