The Second Amendment and the National Guard-a New Lie

Hard Ball

New member
In the last few days the anti gun politicians are repeatedly saying that the men who wrote the constitution meant the National Guard only when they wrote the Second Amendment.
This is not true and can be simply refuted.
The constitution was written in the erly 1790s. THe National Guard did not exist until after 1900.
If you see the "National Guard" nonsense in your local newspaper drop the editor a line and point this out.
Given that the NG can be federalized at the order of the President, thus becoming part of the national Army, the NG CANNOT as a matter of fact and law be associated with the 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amend. was designed to limit the power of the feds. Wouldn't be much good if the operating mechanism (the NG) was PART of the feds.

This is an old lie and has been exposed so many times that most gun grabbers don't try it anymore.
Title 10 of the US Code provides for THREE levels of military organization in the United States.

1. Regular military.

2. National Guard

3. Unorganized militia made up of all able-bodied citizens between the ages of 17 and 45 or so.
So the Second Ammendment protects the right of Government Employees to carry Government owned weapons? So if an officer takes the M-16 from a Guardsman, the Gaurdsman's civil rights have been violated? Amusing in its stupidity.

DO NOT OBEY ANY COMMANDS TO FIRE UPON AMERICAN CITIZENS!!! If you do, you will be subject to treatment equal to a foreign invading army. Any questions?
It's an old lie, not a new one. It's just recieved some recent rejuvenation. They're relying on a Hitler-type propoganda machine - if you repeat a lie often enough, the masses will believe it. So we'll continue to fight to refute it. What can we do? Same as always. Familiarize yourself with the facts first. Then, in roughly descending order of importance.

1. Vote
2. Give money to GOA and NRA, both the political victory funds and the legislative actions funds.
3. Share your beliefs with friends and family.
4. Take a kid (or adult) shooting.
5. Write your state and fed congress critters regularly, esp. when a GOA alert says "this one's important".
6. Write letters to the editor of local publications.
7. Boycott anti-gun orgs and people
8. Write to anti-gun orgs and people, giving them a piece of your mind.

[This message has been edited by Futo Inu (edited May 17, 2000).]
Yep, the local (leftist) newspaper spun the National Guard lie in an editorial last month. It was a column of cowardice and whining about how Americans don't have an individual right to keep and bear arms. I was not only offended by the falsity of the editorial, but also by the unseemliness of *Americans* arguing that they *don't* have a certain civil liberty. Since when did Americans start deciding to slough off their freedoms? :mad:
Jimmy, the answer is simple: these people aren't Americans. They are merely servants of the state who believe they have only whatever freedoms their masters tell them they have.
Yes, they have said it before, but they are starting to use it again. Two US senators said it on the senate floor today.
Hard Ball,

Who were these two Senators?
Where can we get it verbatim?

(Just when I thought they couldn't suprise me....)
The National Guard is a federal force. It is nearly totally funded by the Department of Defense. It is not the property of the states.

If the Second Amendment gives the states the right to maintain forces to keep the federal government in check (and that's one of the things it does)those forces are definately NOT the National Guard.

There was no battle for control of the Arkansas Army National Guard in the court system when the governor tried to use them to block a federal court order for segregating the schools. After the governor called up the Guard to stop federal marshalls from escorting black students onto a previously white only campus, President Eisenhower simply called those same Guard units into federal service and used them to enforce the order. The National Guard is a federal reserve of the Army and Air Force.

In the '80s some states did form their own defense forces. The respective legislatures suddenly realized that their entire National guard could be called into federal service and deployed overseas, leaving the state with no backup for a major disaster.

When a governor calls up the Guard, the state pays the salary of the guardsmen and reimburses the federal government for fuel and wear and tear on the equipment. Only when the President declares a disaster are the states reimbursed from FEMA money for the cost of using the guard. That's why you see the big call ups after a federal disaster is declared.

Ms Fientein was one. I did not recognize the other.
MS. Fienstein also said "The idea that the second ammendnent gives private citizens the right to own guns is the biggest fraud ever pperpetrated on the American people."
She is not stupid like Barbara Boxer, but she is dangerous. When she wa Mayor of San Francisco she got the city council to pass a law banning possesion of handguns in San Francisco. The stse supreme court shot her down on that, but it shows that, whatever she says, she would like to abolish private ownership of firearms.