The Scout Rifle mailing list....

Will Fennell

New member
I joined the 'scout rifle'mailing list a couple of days ago after my friend told me about its existance. Now granted, I have neve been a part of a mailing list, and this was the first thing I mentioned in the in my first post. I really looked forward to exchanging more info about the scout concept and thier application.

The next thing I know not only has my friend been banned from the list, I have too!!!! Listen I have NEVER been the cause of any trouble that I know of on any of the various bulletin boards that I am a member of, such as TFL, Bladeforums, SHOTGUNSPORTS, I couldn't believe it!!!!!! As a matter of fact I go outta my way to ensure that I don't ruffle any feathers and not even bend the rules.

So, no response from the moderator, not even a email tellling me he has banned me. At this point I 'm in total confusion. I'm thinking it must be some kinda mistake,...maybe I did something technically wrong, clicked on the wrong button o something. So I see moderators phone # on his web page. I give him a call. Maybe it startled him that I called him at his gunshop, but he was COMPLETELY un cooperative. To the piont of being rude. No luck, on getting back on the list. Don't think I wanna be on it now, but there seemed like some nice members exchanging info on there. Just an obnoxious moderator. Oh well, back to THE FIRING LINE.

Anybody else have any experience with these guys, did I break some secret rule that I don't know about or what?

Stay Sharp!

Unless you posted spam - something like buy stuff here - or posted something offensive you shouldn't generally be removed. Did he give you any reason at all?
Believe me, no Spam involved! I'll go back through the archieves if the program will let me[ I have been banned], but Forrest[moderator] told me that he had removed evrything concerning my friend and I. And Rich, I beleive that Fr Frog is one of the guys I say on the list, ....seemed like ALOT more rational person than the moderator.

Thanks for the feedback,...alot more than I got there.

Stay Sharp!

Fr. Frog maintains a Scout Tips page at . From his posts on the API List, he seems like a pretty good guy.

Given his interest and notoriety on the subject of the Scout, I have to believe he monitors the Scout List pretty closely and would suspect that he might shed some light for you on the ownership of the list and politics.

In any case, sorry you got the boot without cause. That's way uncool.

Well, I dug thru my deleted-message folder, and scrounged up your contributions to the ScoutRifles list.

You sent four messages: one "New to list", one duplicate of that, one blank "Test", and one "mamba9".

The first message was rather long and mostly about your experience with the scout rifle. While some comments were very positive, most were quite unflattering toward the list topic. More importantly to the issue at hand (your ejection from the list), you ended the message with a paragraph forcefully (IMHO) confronting the list maintainer regarding the recent ejection of previous member mamba9. When you want to win friends and influence people, it's not good to make your first contribution (as I perceived it) "Hi, the topical item doesn't work, and why did you kick my friend out?" Looks like you joined to cause trouble (IMHO).

The second message was a repeat of the first. That reinforced the negative tone of the first.

The third was blank and titled "Test".

The last message was, I quote, "So Forrest, why did you kick mamba9 off the list......"

You essentially posted only two messages. Both indicated (at least to me, an innocent bystander who didn't even notice the exchange until you asked about it and I researched it) that your purpose in joining the group was to publicly harass and humiliate the list administrator. Given that, you're surprised he booted you? C'mon...

I was the original bootee from the list.

I merely asked a few questions about some unconventional uses of my new Steyr Scout.
Speficially experiences with red dot sights in a LER mode, or conventional optics for more light gathering for early evening hunting.

Instead of answers/feedback I was greeted by the "moderator" with extrememly rude, boorish comments. Actually the term "bozo" comes to mind in his "response".

It was in very bad form.

As a veteran of many BB's and lists, I was dismayed at how poorly the scout list was being run.

I am not a child-I have been shooting scout rifles of one form or another for almost 10 years. We are all in this together-as enthusiasts we must all unite under a banner that doesn't excluse people because they "think outside the box"

Even Col. Cooper had the manners to address my question at the 1997 SHOT show. He was certainly not a rude ass like The moderator of the list who subsequently booted me from the list FOR ASKING THE QUESTION.

Just a warning to our fellow shottists.....

Yes, I also reviewed your contributions & booting process while researching Will's issue. My previous post addressed _Will's_ issue specifically. I didn't want to mix what I saw as two separate issues.

Your booting was a different matter; you did ask a question that was not unreasonable, but could understandably irritate a hard-core scout rifle devotee. The irritation level, however, did not (IMHO) warrant booting. Things did get a bit warm, and apparently the moderator wanted to keep things at a cooler level and solved that by booting you. I disagree with the action, as did a number of other contributors.

Like it or not, mailing lists are dictatorships.
Will might possibly be the most respected person in his field - the production knife industry. Based on my personal experiences with him, I find it real hard to believe the he "joined to cause trouble." Likewise, I've never heard anything but positive comments about Anthony. The times I've talked with him, I've always come away with that same impression.

It sounds to me like that's a list that doesn't deserve the contributions of Anthony and Will. I mean, heaven forbid that you ask a question that might "irritate a hard-core scout rifle devotee."


Deo Vindice