
I posted how I "fixed" tge gun... It would'nt lock back on an empty mag.. I reversed the mag springs and that seemed to work.... Until I went to the range... Nose dives..FTF..Every third round or so....called it quits and sold it... STAY AWAY FROM THIS GUN....looks like a great deal and feels good in the hand....but totally unreliable...and Im not wrenching on a new gun...what a piece of crap.. Lesson learned...
Oh well. Everyone has an opinion, my SCCY is a truck gun, totally reliable and accurate for a small DA only pistol. If I disliked an item so much how in good conscience could I sell it to another?
I traded it at a gun store and was honest..he said that alot of folks have come back with bad mag and FTF issues.. I took a dump on this thing.. If your's works..great... The net is full of people having problems with this pistol..just got rid of it..
I find the net full of praise for the pistol and CUstomer Service. My first Pistol had a safety that made hamburger of my hand, a call to SCCY brought me a new lower frame for the model without safety, about twenty minutes to change the two and it shot so well my neighbor “borrowed it” and the pistol probably has close to a thousand rounds through it. I missed my truck gun and bought a second. Never had a problem with any of the four magazines, if others are I’m sure CS would rectify the problem if contacted.
I do not carry an SCCY simply because I have at least twenty other concealable pistols I would rather carry but the SCCY sure graces my PU console.
Some seem to work. I shot one on two occasions. Failures to feed and extract on both occasions. I had no interest in them after that experience.
Some just have to experience it to realize it. I realized they sucked when I tried to pull the trigger of one at a store, kept stopping where I thought it would break several times, then finally pulled the trigger as hard as a could and it finally released the hammer.

I said no to the SCCY after that and believe that the Ruger EC9s is far superior to the SCCY and for pretty much the same price.
Like I said... If yours works..Great! I wouldnt have bought it in the first place if I didnt like how it feels... I just didnt want all that warranty hassle with a cheap, used gun...
I picked one up in a trade deal about a year ago. Nastiest color of orange that you can imagine. I dry fired it a couple of times then put it in the safe. Fast forward a few months and a female coworker asked me if I had a budget gun for sale.
So I got the gun out and took it shooting. I ended up putting about 200 rounds through the gun of several different brands of ammunition trying it out. It functioned perfectly with everything I tried. I even tried purposely limp wristing to try to make it fail. After I shot some rounds through it and got used to the trigger I was actually able to hit with it very well. I sold the gun to her with confidence that it was a decent piece.

Would I ever buy another one, probably not. Their are other guns in the same price range that I would prefer. But you could definitely do worse than the gun I had.
We've sold a bunch and none have returned with a problem. We can't keep them in stock and they're tough to restock.
Seems like they either work great or completely take a puke.... Luck of the draw I guess... I dont hate the little thing, just wished it would've worked well....mine being on the "puke" side of things and all...
and Im not wrenching on a new gun

I just didnt want all that warranty hassle with a cheap, used gun...

Was it new or used...

If new, all companies put out lemons. It happens with all production lines. Don’t understand why having them fix it is such a difficult thing.

If used, and the previous owner put the magazine spring in wrong... what else was put together incorrectly? Used guns are always questionable, as previous owners could do anything to it.

Have to trust a firearm, but for me, your situation really doesn’t tell me that they are garbage. Understand you want to vent, but just posting my opinion on your post. I’m sure there are people that have had a bad Glock... doesn’t mean they all are garbage.
It was used... Ialso noticed that the follower in the mags would not engage the slide stop fully in the mag well. Im sure SCCY wouldve fixed it...but I just dont tolerate guns that have such simple things like that go crazy wrong... I wouldnt have used it to protect myself even if it did get fixed...
As I said many posts prior, SCCY has a great warranty program should something fail or you have different needs. If a $900 Sig caused problems would that also be a “piece of crap”? I have sent expensive weapons in for factory repairs and was quite pleased with the majority of results.
Well..actually..yes it would be considered a piece of crap and Sig would not be able to charge that much for their products... Just like cars..a Ford Fiesta is not like a Cadillac...etc,etc.... I can see this is going to flameville, so as a parting thought... If your SCCY works..then GREAT!...but if it many, many folks on the web have stated and posted numerous vids to back that up....then this gun is not a reliable carry gun...if yours works perfectly...hats off to you.. I had a very bad time with mine and could care less about warranties and what not... These problems are manufacturers problems...not mine...thats why I sold it...
As I said many posts prior, SCCY has a great warranty program should something fail or you have different needs. If a $900 Sig caused problems would that also be a “piece of crap”? I have sent expensive weapons in for factory repairs and was quite pleased with the majority of results.
If a $900 Sig had problems, I probably would call it a POC, but if a SCCY had issues, I'd chalk it up to getting what you pay for.

I don't think the SCCY is a POC, I just think it sucks as the OP says. There are plenty of other 9mm pistols, single and double stacks, that are close in price to the SCCY and have much better triggers.

I have no doubts that a SCCY in working condition works well, my issues are even when they're in working condition, the features of it make it a poor pistol to use for any occasion.
I am kindof of the same opinion as the OP. I own the CPX-2 as well. I bought it because it was $180. the trigger is long and heavy, and it's showing extremely rapid wear in places. when I brought it up here, I was told to warranty it, or that I just didn't know what quality is.

here's the deal. it's cheap, it goes bang. that's about it. I would never trust my life to it, and I would never recommend it for that purpose. given other firearms in it's price range, its an average performer. I will not make excuses for it, I wont make wild claims about how good it is because of the low price point. if you're patient and wait for sales, you can a decent self defense piece for the 300 price range and does the job much more spendidly Taurus, SCCY, or other cheap wonders.
I was having the problem listed in this thread. I purchased the CPX-2 fitted wit a CT Red dot. Using the mags that were in the box I was able to fire two rounds and than JAM. This was my first time using this pistol. I was using Turan .9mm and Freedom Munitions. I fired 60 rounds total. I am not a big believer in "yeah sometimes you have a break in period", especially with the cost of AMMO being what it is. I'm also quite good at knowing when something is up. So while I read the complaints here I also read the glowing reviews of their support.
I contacted SCCY. After a very pleasant 10 minute conversation I was asked if I wanted two mags and a recoil spring sent to me or if I wanted to send the pistol in. I chose to try the the first option. And it worked beautifully. Within a week I received the items. That weekend I hit the range. Not one jam. The mags seemed a bit more solid (they were forcing the rounds into the receiver more efficiently).
Haven't had a problem since. I like this pistol. I don't think I am going to keep the CT on it though. That's going on my Mossberg Shockwave.

Remember IamJustAGuy
Sccy/Kel Tec P11 is based off of the S&W 59 magazine.

From what I've read a lot about the SKYY/SCCY CPX is the magazine is critical to failure issues a lot of the time.

If they can't get a very old magazine concept right ....

Some pretty experienced owners have had CPX's die on them. I am always tempted...but pass. Good luck!