The San Francisco "circus" gets a big slap.


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I love it when the good guys win. How about you?

San Francisco Gun Ban Ruled Null and Void

NRA Wins Big in California State Court of Appeals
Fairfax, VA - The California State Court of Appeals announced today their decision to overturn one of the most restrictive gun bans in the country, following a legal battle by attorneys for the National Rifle Association (NRA) and a previous court order against the San Francisco Board of Supervisors.

"Today's decision by the California State Court of Appeals is a big win for the law-abiding citizens and NRA Members of San Francisco," declared Chris W. Cox, NRA's chief lobbyist.

In 2005, NRA sought an injunction against the San Francisco Board of Supervisors to prevent them from enacting one of the nation's most restrictive gun bans. NRA won the injunction, but the City's mayor and Board of Supervisors ignored the court order and approved a set of penalties, including a $1,000 fine and a jail term of between 90 days and six months, for city residents who own firearms for lawful purposes in their own homes.

"We promised our California NRA members in 2005 that we would fight any gun ban instituted by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, and we haven't given up that fight," continued Cox. "Today we see our second win for the Second Amendment against the San Francisco gun ban. We beat them once in court and the City's attorney appealed based on his personal disagreement with the court's first decision to overturn the ban. Now we've beaten them again. The California State Court of Appeals has upheld the state preemption law."

Today's decision came in the form of a 3-0 opinion in favor of the lower court ruling overturning the gun ban.

"This decision is a thoughtful and well-reasoned legal opinion," concluded Cox. "I'd like to thank our approximately 4 million members, including the hundreds of thousands of members in California, for their continued commitment to protecting our cherished freedoms."


Established in 1871, the National Rifle Association is America's oldest civil rights and sportsmen's group. Four million members strong, NRA continues its mission to uphold Second Amendment rights and to advocate enforcement of existing laws against violent offenders to reduce crime. The Association remains the nation's leader in firearm education and training for law-abiding gun owners, law enforcement and the military.
Thats great!

I hate to be like this, but whenever I see or here from the San Francisco Board of Supervisors I want to :barf:
I don't understand the report says the mayor and board of suppervisors have ignored the court order ?
What am I missing.
Are they complying or not??
What about the rest of california?

Anyhow, this victory is a good victory and a positive victory and should set an example for the DC case.....

How about NYC??? How bout loosening up the laws over here?

How about lifting the NYC AWB?
Well it's about time. That is great for the gun owners of San Fran. First DC, now San Fran. Now it's time for Chicago.
I don't understand the report says the mayor and board of suppervisors have ignored the court order ?
What am I missing.
Are they complying or not??
When the SF Supervisors created their illegal ordinance... The courts overrode it... and they ignored it then. This case in pretty much the death nell for their city ordinance. :)
"I'd like to thank our approximately 4 million members, including the hundreds of thousands of members in California, for their continued commitment to protecting our cherished freedoms."
I think this might have something to do with Chicago...How many NRA members are there in Illinois? How many are there who are really committed? It takes a whole lot of money, and committment from the locals, to overcome such nonsensical laws... it also doesn't hurt if the nonsensical law is (CLEARLY) illegal to begin with...

Yes, I know they're ALL illegal infringements on our gun rights... but this one was absolutely winable from the start. :)
Great news. Now if only the NRA and its supporters could pull together and work on chicago or washington. One stupid law at a time.....:D
and dont forget NYC....
Tell me about it.

I think it's both ironic and nauseating that the building meant to replace the WTC is going to be called the "Freedom Tower" and will supposedly be 1776 feet high. Talk about Orwellian! What on earth does NYC have to do with freedom? :barf:
What on earth does NYC have to do with freedom?

Depends on how you define freedom. In some ways, NYC is more freedom friendly that even libertairian Alaska.

But remember, one man's freedom is another mans misery

WildbutniethersideisconsistentAlaska ™
Now where are all those people who claim that the NRA doesn't do anything?
Death of gun ownership in America will be the result of "death by a thousand cuts".The NRA will compromise with the looney left on the most critical 217 of those cuts.
Wildalaska said:
Depends on how you define freedom. In some ways, NYC is more freedom friendly that even libertairian Alaska.
I define freedom as the absence of legal restrictions on any activities that don't harm or needlessly endanger innocent people or their property, and that don't make a functioning society untenable.

Sure, there are gray areas here. But NYC isn't free by any stretch of the definition -- unless one defines "freedom" entirely differently, e.g., as "being free to do whatever lawmakers and law enforcers allow you to do."
I define freedom as the absence of legal restrictions on any activities that don't harm or needlessly endanger innocent people or their property, and that don't make a functioning society untenable.

Really? Then by that definition, banning of guns in a high crime urban area would be OK...

WildbutheyymmvAlaska ™
Really? Then by that definition, banning of guns in a high crime urban area would be OK...
Nope. Merely owning a gun harms and needlessly endangers no one. It also isn't necessary to ban guns to have a functional society.

Laws against using guns to prey upon the innocent are certainly compatible with a free society. That is not true of laws that attempt to preempt such behavior among a few by restricting everyone's right to have guns. You cannot have that in a free society.