The "Right to Bear Arms" starts in the classroom....

A happy Thanksgiving to everyone on TFL.

In light of the news concerning the Supreme Court's upcoming review, I decided now would be a good time to sit down with the kids and discuss 2nd amendment issues.

I discovered that my 5th grade son was just gearing up to discuss the Constitution in his Social Studies Class.

(Let me stop right here and say that my son's teacher is GREAT - she has *33* kids in class (more boys than girls) and STILL finds time to read books outloud, to engage the students in cool projects AND is available on her cel phone every evening for parent's questions. I'm pretty sure I could NEVER keep up her level of enthusiasm.).

My son's teacher is also left-leaning, so I sent her an email asking how she was going to treat the 2nd amendment issue. She sent me an email back candidly admitting that she would likely "talk more about gun control than gun rights" and asked if I would like to come into the class to briefly talk about our involvement in the shooting sports, etc.

I haven't gone yet (next week) but this leads me to believe that we (as parents, grandparents etc) need to pay attention to what's happening in our schools when issues like this are discussed.

Sure, my son's teacher is likely unusually open - but I think there will be ALOT of 5th grade teachers who will - knowingly or unknowingly - talk about gun control rather than 2nd amendment rights.

Just dropping your children's teacher an email to ask (politely, nicely) how the issue will be addressed will help to reign in teachers who might use this opportunity as a chance to move their personal beliefs to the forefront.

... just my 2 cents! :)
The more we stand up and educate people about shooters and shooters rights the better.

In Australia we used to have a strong tradition of gun ownership and up until the 1970's guns and ammo were sold in stores like Coles, some Woolworths stores and K-Mart (which I think would all loosely equate to your Walmart).

In our urban areas ownership of licenced firearms is now down to about 6% of the population-although it is much higher than this in rural areas.

Speak out and fight- and pray in thanks every night that your forefathers had the sense to enshrine the right in the Constitution.