The a very useful tool


New member
While standing on a bluff overlooking several thousand acres of sand between us and the Mississippi river my wife spied some driftwood that she said resembeled a shark's fin. She asked me how big I thought the driftwood was. The tools I had available were a Remington PSS in 308 mounted with a Leuopold Mark 4 M-3, some ammo that was zeroed with the rig, a Mildot Master and a Bushnell rangefinder. The rangefinder wasn't happening because of the reflectivity of the sand. I estimated the yardage at 600 and dialed in the scope. I was over on my first shot. Two shots later the scope was telling me 525 yds. The base of the driftwood was 1.25 mils. A quick look at the Mildot Master and I told her that the base of the stump was a hair over 25" wide. This took under 10 min. including getting the gear out of the truck!
She wanted confirmation so we unloaded the 4 wheeler back at a point where you could get down to the sandbar and rode to her stump with tape measure in hand. This took almost an hour and we still had to ride back and load up the 4 wheeler. Oh, I forgot, the stump measured 26 1/4" so I blew it! Close enough for a 10 min. job to me though.
Yall need anything measured that you can afford to have a few holes in let me know.
As a matter of a fact Hank I have often wondered how long my neighbors cat is. Care to come over and measure it? :)


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
I'd better not go there. Most near range small targets can be measured with a decent 22 rimfire/scope combination and Remington subsonic ammunition however.
> a decent 22 rimfire/scope combination and Remington subsonic ammunition however.<

Add a suppressor to that... hehehe! ;)

GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"