The Redcoates are COMMING!

David Schmidbauer

Retired Screen Name
On the eve of the holiday for the Birth of our Country....

<a href="">Gun Seizures</a>

Most troublesome.... "whom authorities believe may be considering a criminal act. "

Key word is BELIEVE.

If I remember my history correctly this very thing, seizure of firearms, was the final straw for the colonists and initiated the Shot Heard Round the World.

History repeating itself? It may unless peoples awareness level increases. As I've always said... the Second Amendment is NOT about firearms.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
What happened to Innocent until Proven Guilty?

And where is it, who is it difining who has "become clear" to police that you are a dangerous person, and a threat?

If I was in Conneticut... I would Send the guy who came up with this a TEA bag, a civil suit, and a bill for moving expenses.
And a criminal prosecusion petition to the local sheriff for treason.

Dont get me started today....

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...


Gunny, It seems the stuff has gotten very deep in CT! I always wondered why my friend who lives up there carried his gear in a tennis bag when going to the range.
Regards, Hank
When in London and en route to the Imperial War Museum, you'll pass by Capt. Bligh's former residence.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
7-4-99 258PM EDT Your Headline might be more accurate than you think. The most vicious and anti gun troops in Kosovo look to be the dirtball Brits,who as the big leaders in the anti gun movementin the UN,seem to be very heavily in confiscating firearms from inhabitants of Kosovo. Britain always resented losing the colonies.Her people are virtually disarmed. With the London Banksters bankrolling the New World Order,only one country really remains in the Western Camp that has a armed citizenry; the US(and Swisswho may be left alone) American armed citizens are an embaressment to NWO which is really centered in London. When foreign troops hit the streets of America, a good portion of them may well be Commonwealth troops. Maybe I am off the subject but since the thread mentions Redcoats and gun confiscation,Britain and her Commie ideas just spring to my mind.
They have taken Lexington. Me and the boys will meet you and yours near the bridge outside Concord.