The Race...


New member
While being frustrated a few minutes ago I jotted this down as a metaphor.

There was a big race about to take place amongst all the states' schools. Each school was desperate to find their fastest runners, and so there were races going on all over the state. One particular school did it differently. This is that schools story:

Everybody knew that Alan was an excellent runner. He had outrun almost every opponent in recent races, but most of the school didn't want him to run because he didn't "look" like the fastest runner. In fact, when all the other boys came out, it was easy to pick who you thought might be the fastest runner because he clearly came from an affluent family. He had brand new shoes, and a really nice running outfit. His name was George, and he was in actuality a fairly fast runner. His father who ran for the same school years ago, had won big, but there have always been persistent whispers in town that the competition wasn't that stiff when he ran, and in fact, the prize wasn't so great either. Back then the prize meant that the school could just keep the money they had been making all along, but now, , the prize was a lot more elevated. Now the schools had to race just to exist. The local newspapers were all over George, and wanted to ask him all sorts of questions. George posed for photographs and answered questions, and many of the reporters still remembered his father. They thought that if his father won the big race, then George certainly would. Only a few people were still saying that the competition wasn't that great, and in fact the next race his father ran was full of mediocre runners, and his father lost. A lot of people claim that loss came because the authority's decided to let in one extra runner and that clogged up the track, but nobody was sure anymore. All they knew was that his father lost to a guy who wasn't a particularly gifted athlete. George didn't care though because he had the backing of most of the town's folk, and the coaches were all saying that he should represent the school. Only one coach suggested that they actually run a race to determine who the fastest runner was, and the winner of that race could represent the school. That coach had been watching Alan compete, and although when he started the school year, he was a lot slower than everybody else, he rapidly began to evolve into a gifted runner, and in fact had started to run neck and neck with George. Everybody criticized the coach saying " We know who is going to represent the school, and it won't be Alan". George almost knew that with his flashy outfits, and excellent shoes, not to mention his family name, he would be the best one to run the race, and so he thought it ridiculous to even consider the other runner. While the other guy was becoming faster and faster, and might, by the time of the race be even faster than George, he wouldn't look like a "winner". Everyone picked George to run because he looked like a runner, and they thought that was important. Besides-even the newspapers said he was a better runner. On the day of the big race, all of the athletes poured out onto the tracks, and began the warm up exercises, and were stretching. Alan decided he would run off the track and cheer George anyway to see if that would help. The runners lined up, and the starting judge told them to "take your mark..." George crouched down into a runner's stance, and he did look good. As a matter of fact he looked better than all the rest with his brand new shoes, and his expensive running shorts. "GET SET..." The pressure was building now, as all the townsfolk were worried about how they had picked their runner. Alan also was crouched down to run off the track but to run next to George to encourage him. "GO!!!!!" The runnerstook off. So did Alan. George was giving it his best shot, and Alan found George to be running a little slow. Alan out of curiosity decided he would unofficially race the front runner Al, to see if he could beat him too. At the very end of the race, Alan unofficially came in first by a long shot. Alan had ended up beating Al by 25 yards, and just inches behind Al was George. Al's school would get all the money, and therefore, George's school would not. As Everybody left the stadium disappointed, they still couldn't help but say "maybe we should of let Alan race George, and let the fastest man run". There were those who still said that they thought Alan couldn't win, and he did. George lost, but it was close. There are still some that will admit they made a mistake by picking the best looking instead of the fastest runner.
- Draw your own conclusions.
A number of people I know are fed up with the status quo and will go Keyes. Just too much of the same ol same ol. We gotta start some where or we'll never get going.

Nice story, must have taken a while. Hope fully the end of this race will be different than your version.