The Prez has no shame (using JFK jr's death to glorify himself)


New member
I have not been following all this so correct me if I am wrong but: I just saw president Clinton publically "taking the blame" for ordering the search to continue for JFK Jr.

It appears to me that he waited until they found the bodies, made sure that it was a good idea, then he gets on TV and makes it look like he is being a martyr when in fact he is patting himself on the back and trying to get glory from the recovery of JFK Jr's death.
If the search had been a disaster, would he have taken the "blame" for extending the search?
He claims to want to "put the blame where it lies", and "blame himself" for the search rather than the Coast Guard. It's a very wise move, he kills two birds with one stone: he takes the glory for finding the body in an emotional time for a lot of people (women mostly, it appears, who is exactly what Clinton seems to appeal to), while at the same time the prez makes it appear as if he has a lot of character and is "taking blame" for for his "decision".
The "man" is shameless. He is not below anything. He will even use the death of JFK jr in order to glorify himself subtly.
Yep, the grandstand is his m.o. He never "takes the responsibility" when people get killed as a direct result of his orders (Somalia, Bosnia, Waco, etc).

I believe his response to the news of the first soldier killed in Bosnia (stepped on a mine) was along the lines of, "I told them it would be dangerous," not, "I take full responsibility for placing our men in danger."
Hi Thaddeus-

A twist on "reverse psychology," I'd say.....William Jefferson Clinton really knows no bounds. "I feel yuhr pain, the country's pain...continuing this search is all mah fault."

One of my local papers cleverly stated that, "...the government hadn't gone beyond the call of duty during the first four days of the tragedy..."

Like it's typical for the Rude (pronounced Rudy), the USS Grasp, and the USS Briscoe to be deployed when "Lenny Flipowski, a bricklayer from Patterson" sinks his fishing boat or crashes his ultralight into the sea!

Thankfully, tommorow is a new day.....


~ Blue Jays ~
of course he has no shame look at the pig's he screwed. apologies to the hog farmers. wait a minute who hasn't he screwed? he "feel's our pain"? does he have gonnearea or something?
Do you remember when Ron Brown "and others" were killed in that plane crash in Bosnia? Some enterprising photographer filmed Willie and friend departing the services, chatting and smiling. As soon as Willie saw the camera, he made a tearful face and wiped an imaginary tear from his eye, as his partner, unaware of the charade, kept on talking normally. The swine even looked over his shoulder to see if he was still on camera. When Rush Limbaugh repeatedly aired the segment, acidly commenting on the phoniness of it all, the liberals jumped on the cameraman for taking the footage! It also brings to mind the "making a cross of stones" on the Normandy landing site. Just the sight of him now makes me feel like vomiting.
While I hold little regard for Slick (or some of the Kennedys, for that matter), and I hate to admit it, but having the Feds do the recovery is the right thing to do, IMO.

Having dead Kennedys washing up on the beach would be particularly nasty and inappropriate (not that anyone deserves that fate), and keeping the privateers, opportunists and morbidly curious out of the fray is necessary, too. And the media circus under controlled circumstances has been most reprehensible, can you imagine what it would be like if the Feds hadn't taken control?

Unfortunately, the crassness of His Exceelency is only exceeded by that of the public and the media that seeks to feed it.
Mike makes a very good point about getting the Feds. heavily involved on this one. We all know that your President's husband cant' pass up an opportunity like this. HankL
What we think of the PREZ:
warning - this is discusting... but I laughed so hard I about choked...

Every man Dies.
Not Every Man Truely Lives...



[This message has been edited by Kodiac (edited July 23, 1999).]
But Kodiac, the American sheeple,drunk on TV, sports, Jerry Springer,soap operas,and countless tons of cocaine,heroin,booze , think Big Comrade is a neat guy. The more evil he becomes, the more popular he is among all classes of sheeple. Big Comrade is the perfect role model for a quickly declining country;like a snowball in Hell. Just think of it. We have a President who has no shame and we have a country that elected him to TWO terms.