'The Practice', last episode


New member
I'm not too sure how many may have seen the last episode of 'The Practice', but in it, two of the female lawyers are armed with pistols. One of them was already armed last season, kept a Kahr pistol in her desk. At the end of last season she was attacked in her office and nearly stabbed to death. This last episode has another of the female attorney's purchasing a Glock from a 'client'. All very illegal but as one of the attorney's goes on to say, "There's a 30 day waiting period in Mass. and this guy is after us right NOW!' They make no bones about the having the guns much to the consternation of the Senior partner(male) in the firm who asks if a gun is the right answer. One of the woman responds, "I'm not sure but if it is, I want it to be in my hand!"

In any event, there is a twist at the end but a woman does end up dispatching the bad guy with a pistol, although neither of the two women focused on actually does the shooting. The female prosecutor on the show actually takes care of it with her pistol. Three armed women on one show. How's that for politically incorrect! Considering they had a fairly anti-gun show on last season, this was quite different. We'll see where they go from here with it.

Regards, Chris..

I may give it a looksee now :)

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Gotta love it. Ain't everybody tired by now of seeing women CONSISTENTLY portrayed as helpless fools who just gotta have a man to protect them? Even when the woman in question is a police officer, or a member of the military?

Sounds like this show may have an idea, what?
Hi Everyone-

Darn, I've been watching this show since the beginning and I still can't remember the names of all the characters, either!

One silly point raised was when the bad guy (dressed as the nun) somehow managed to load blanks into the Glock. When did he manage to do this while that gun was constantly in her possesion? That's besides the point....

The writers of the show seem to have taken a turn towards being pro-RKBA. It's refreshing and quite welcomed compared to the usual crap forced upon us by the networks.

It will be very interesting to see where they will take this storyline. It's pretty significant when a Prosecutor is nearly killed in her own apartment and responds with deadly force to a knife-wielding murderer. They can't "bury" this storyline without people wondering what the heck is going on, it's a compelling event.


~ Blue Jays ~
My wife is an avid fan of the show and keeps telling me I should watch it, but I always found something else to do. I guess I'll have to give it a looksee next week.
Did anyone else who saw this episode notice this?

It seemed that the bad guy with his upraised knife had pinned one victim against a closed door so that she was between him and the door. The second victim without declaration fired one shot from behind him, flinging him against the door as the first victim stepped aside. He was thrown against the door face first then collapsed. As he dropped to the floor he turned toward the armed victim, leaving a descending blood trail on the door.

It would seem that without warning the shooter fired a "magic bullet" which passed through the front of the BG sufficiently to cause a substantial wound, judging by the blood trail, but without sufficient energy to cause injury to the first victim. Or, could this be an advance in 'smart gun' technology as yet unreported?
Made for must see TV did it?

I am told The Practice is a wonderful show.
I will take that as truth yet I dont want to watch any more TV... Local News, National News... Then Its off to work on something or another. I need more time... What? When I retire? When? Maybe next month? SWEET... Will I watch more TV? Ah, No... I WILL how ever travell and shoot more! :D

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Saw it. It was actually pretty good, except I took it all as an anti-gun slant. They buy a pistol from the back of a van from a "client". Illegal. She carries the pistol and it falls out of her purse when she bumps into her friend (george, the wacked out nun-cross dresser). BTW, this is probably where he plans to get a magazine with the blanks for later use.

When the prosecuter shoots him, yes the bullet should of went through him and hit the fat girl too.

Last season, they did a major lawsuit against the manufactures of the "TEC-10" with it anti-fingerprint coating. VERY anti-gun. They won this case with a 2 million dollar award - bad news for that company.

Good thing it's just make believe - (bet the public doesn't think so)!
I watched the show with my wife, and I think it had more of an anti-gun slant. They "showed" how "easy" it was to buy an illegal weapon. The illegal glock was still fired in the final sceen. I would like to see the a real portral of the aftermath of this incident in which the large girl is questioned about an illegal weapon and procecuted for possesing/using it!

I watched the Practice last night. I was also interested in what the consequences would be for the "Illegal" gun.

A police officer did come to talk to Eleanor (the "large girl") about her pistol. He was actually pretty nice about the whole thing. She went balistic and dared him to take her to court! In responce, the officer stated "For every time a gun is used in self-defence there are 40 murders". At this point, I went ballistic! Can you imagine? 40 murders for every time a gun is used in self-defense?!$#%^@! I wonder where this "Statistic" came from?

So much for a balanced presentation of the facts!

Mark Twain was right when he said:
"There are three kinds of lies: Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics!"
According to the recently released crime numbers from last year there were <11,000 murders committed with guns (or as the media tells us "by" those evil, sentient guns) so according to my numbers there were only 275 cases where a gun was used to defend last year. This compares to John Lotts (More Guns, Less Crime) number of 2.5 million times per year that guns are used to defend life or limb. So the number isn't 40 murders for every incedence of self defense it's .004 or said another way, for every murder committed with a gun, 227 people used these evil objects to defend themselves, usually without firing a shot. BTW, I did fudge a bit. The show was talking about innocents shooting and killing BGs. The numbers I'm using encompasses all incidents where a gun was used in self defense, but that's what I think matters.
My spin on this is what is the correlation between the two numbers.
Because 40 people were murdered I shouldn't have the right to defend myself.
How about this. What if each of those 40 could have defended themselves.
If you get rid of the right to have a gun that number would have been 41.
This is another attempt by liberals to use numbers for shock value and not fact. Most anti's never ask the question "what do these numbers mean?","Where did they get these numbers?".
I was furious as well when I saw this show last night. This cop then blamed her for taking this guy to a party where in turn, he killed someone. Up to that point he wasn't suspected of anything so how could she know.

Geeze, next thing you know they're gonna start blaming gun manufacturers for gun crimes.

"It is easier to get out of jail then it is a morgue"
Live long and defend yourself!
John 3:16