the Potomac Institute

Do a search in Gen'l and in'll find a bunch of stuff.

There are more participants in the Potomac forum against it than there are supporters.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
DZ: Which side of the fence is GEE, AKA Ernest McGill, on? Here are some clues: He's paranoid about "NRA armed citizen guerrillas" who insist on being "armed outside the law", he considers everyone who believes in inalienable rights to be an anarchist, and his favorite proposal is to register all guns, in order that the "disloyal", (Everyone who believes in limited government.) can be disarmed.

Oh, yeah, and he filed an amicus brief in the Emerson case which supports the government's side.

Sic semper tyrannis!
Three minutes of looking, and I found that they're pro-registration, anti-Libertarian, and think NPR is a credible unbiased information source. In other words, they're mortal enemies of anyone who aspires to live in a free country.
I poke my nose in once or twice a month there.

Another thing about Ernest McGill is that he has great ire against all those who refuse to publish his letters to the editor. You will find these letters sprinkled throughout his web page along with rants blaming them for not discussing "What Madison really meant in Federalist #46..."

Addressing GEE or G. Echlyhiemer Ernst, his pseudonymn (he will delete any reference to his real name), is a waste of time. He will not address your points but spew recycled diatribes which he has been using for months and years such as "...the state of nature which is the state of anarchy..." or "...go ask your reps in Congress to explain the concept of citizenship under the law..."

Very boring. We elevate him by our very presence. I suggest we avoid him and take our battles to places which have a wider audience.
