The People speak


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The whole area around Elko, Nevada is up in arms over the Forestry Service's ham-handed methods. The latest example is their bulldozing a road repaired by the county as it would endanger some fish. The cutoff effectively isolated some residents and blocked the rest from using the area. Your tax dollars at work.

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As This Nation Stands...
...On the verge of the 21st Century, it is apparent that our government continues to ignore principles, reason, logic, and the basic fundamental rights of the citizens in a fashion not seen since the 18th Century. Nothing proves this point more than the events in and around Elko, and in particular, in a small town known as Jarbidge.

The people of Nevada, perhaps more than any other state in the Union, are keenly aware of the heavy federal hand that lays across a country that once had a government "of, by, and for the people." Designed by its framers to be "limited," the Sovereign that now rules in a thousand ways from inside a filthy, immoral Beltway on the East Coast deems what is necessary, what is right, and what each and every citizen's "needs" are in total. To say this bastardizes everything in our Constitution is an understatement; to see it once again displayed so viciously north of Elko, over a forgettable, dusty road that Americans must keep open to earn a living is more than memorable.

It has become a lightning rod, and focused the attention of Americans everywhere across this nation who have witnessed the attempt by "agents of the Crown" to once again regulate, strangle, throttle, and otherwise destroy what is not theirs, but is ours.

Nevadans have threatened no violence, but the lurching, obscene, oppressive individuals from the Attorney General on down to the lowliest Forest Service lieutenant have claimed as much, with no evidence. They have insisted that citizens exercising their rights are dangerous, that democratic protest is immoral, and that they - as agents of the United States Government - are immune not only to giving simple answers as to what their work is, but of answering any questions at all of people who realize there cannot be freedom without, of course, freedom to enterprise.

And perhaps that is what this is all about.

The United States Forest Service is the Federal Bureau of Investigation is the National Marine Fisheries Service is the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. As the 21st Century draws near, so do they. Nearer your wallet, your land, your catch at sea, your gun cabinet, your computer, your children.

They say "give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's." But unlike the ancient Roman dictator, the new dictators come in a thousand forms, and giving each what they think is theirs to take and keep would quickly corrupt and break the strongest man or woman. Cognizant of history, we know that the common good is best advanced by free men and women unimpeded by the thousand petty tyrants that always - inevitably, it seems - come to forever dine at a table they not only could not set, but could not, it would seem, even find their way to without assistance...

Which brings us to this sleepy, dusty little road south of the Idaho border: Jarbidge.

Nevadans, you are not alone. We, the undersigned, are watching and listening to what happens on South Canyon Road. We know that 225 years ago a battle engulfed another anonymous, forgettable road that lead to a bridge in Concord, Massachusetts. We are fully aware of and appreciate the forces that may be arrayed against you.

You are not alone. You have brothers and sisters across this nation who keep you in our hearts, our minds, and our souls. We are standing by to aid in any way commensurate with your needs. If necessary - though we hope that the Beltway people will stop beating the war drums - we will be with you in person.

Your brothers and sisters are:"
names follow.

If you have the time, check out the whole sorry story at,
if you don't, please drop a note of support

The New World Order has a Third Reich odor.
I would like to have added my name to the bottom of that advertisement.

Stay cloze to ze candles, ze staircase (dramatic pause) . . . can be trecherous.