The Oriental Fine Twist


I have had three shotguns in my closet for 10 years and got them out today to look at them and realized that I knew nothing about them.

One is a double barrel twisted steel, with "the Oriental Fine Twist" engraved on the top of the barrel. The gun has two triggers and hammers and no trigger lock. The butt plate has what appears to be a shield with a lion standing inside the shield, with other carvings socated around the shield.

On one side of the trigger housing is engraved "The Oriental" on the other is the name, I think, Mathine Male.

The second gun is a Baker Gun Co. product out of Batavia NY. It is finely engraved with a flying Duck on one side and a shoot falling duck on the other. The entire trigger housing is engraved with all kinds of designs.

The third gun is a single shot, with the word COLUMBIA engraved on the side. I thing it is from the Crescent Gun Co.

Anyone got any ideas what I have, models, etc.?

Are they worth keeping? Thanks for any help.
FYI the first gun appears to have Damascus Twist steel barrels. It is NOT a good idea to shoot modern smokeless ammo in this gun, it was designed to shoot black powder. My guess is that it is a Belgian gun.

The Baker could be a high grade gun, if it is in good shape it might be of interest to collectors.

You might try asking on the following BBS:Double Gun BBS