The only truly safe child is a dead one.


New member
The anti-gun agenda will give us just that.
Registration = Confiscation = Disarmement = Inability to defend our children and ourselves.

They are doing it for the children.


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
referal #2005932
This is the most grotesque thread title I have ever read! And your thread is just about Hmm.

I agree.
Belive me, I tried to think of some softer way of making this statement. Maybe you could suggest a few?

I have just been considering how schools are "gun-free" zones (law passed for the children and endorsed by all anti-gun groups), yet with the events of the past year haven't we had more children die in school from gunfire than any other time?

Where is the safety in the new age limit of 21 for purchasing a gun? What kind of safety do mandatory trigger locks really afford?

How does licensing and CCW's keep our children safer?

How about the laws regarding transporting a firearm? Or shipping?

We've debated and concluded that individually pools and cars kill more children than guns do.

How about household chemicals, knives, poisonous snakes, scorpions, kitchen appliances, 5 gal poly buckets, abusive parents, falling off of bikes, garage tools, and the list goes on!

So, how else are our children to be TRULY safe?


Again, I do apologize for the title. Please suggest a better one.

Dennis, I think I need a few sugar cookies... and milk.... :)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
referal #2005932
I guess what really pi$$es me off is that these people want to prevent our children from experiencing LIFE. You know, choices and consequences.

Even responsible parents have bad things happen to their children.

In this day and age, it seems that when something bad happens to a child it is IMMEDIATELY connected to something other than the choice of the child.

Granted, there are abusive and neglegent parents, BUT NOT ALL BRUISES ARE THE RESULT OF NEGLECT OR ABUSE!

I don't even know what the #$%% got me off on this thread...


excuse me.... i've got to go glue my head back together....i think i've just lost it...
John, I don't think you intended to offend anyone. The people who want to raise the allowable age of gun ownership to 21 in reality consider all subjects "children". Why not arbitrarily say 26 or 34? That would undoubtedly be acceptable to them temporarily if it saved even one "child's" life. (impossible to prove) But we could always do more, right? As gun owners (and basically decent individuals) we are commited to protecting ourselves, our family members, and particularly any child period. The gun controllers wish that we put all of our safety in the hands of the all knowing state. If we choose to become "children" dependent upon the state for our well being, we will surely become anything but safe, and probably dead.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> posted September 10, 1999 10:01 PM
I guess what really pi$$es me off is that these people want to prevent our children from experiencing LIFE. You know, choices and consequences.
Even responsible parents have bad things happen to their children.

In this day and age, it seems that when something bad happens to a child it is IMMEDIATELY connected to something other than the choice of the child.

Granted, there are abusive and neglegent parents, BUT NOT ALL BRUISES ARE THE RESULT OF NEGLECT OR ABUSE!

Agreed. Frankly, show me a kid of 10 years old without some healed scabs or very minor healed scars on his or her knees, and I'll show you a kid that hasn't really gotten to be a kid.

My wife and I saw The Sixth Sense the other night (good flick, BTW), and there's an ALL TOO REAL scene in there where a doctor at the hospital glares at this kid's mother and states accusingly: "Ma'am, some scrapes were found on the boy's back and arms. You'll need to stay to speak with the social worker...!" The mother in the scene (who is in fact innocent) stammers something about the boy climbing trees. Chris and I looked at each other and said "Scrapes? So what?!? Does the boy never get in a schoolyard scuffle, or climb trees, or play ball in a lot?"

My mom is with Child Protective Services, and her office, fortunately enough, is pretty reasonable about this stuff-- "You saw a parent pull down their child's pants and spank him in the supermarket? Did you actually see evidence of welts left? No? Then you're just basically reporting a public spanking. That offended you. Uh huh... good day." But the truth is, a LOT of that gets reported, and files get opened in many offices. If people would just do my mom a favor, and give her a break on that crap, she could tend properly to actual problem cases out there, where children's wellfare is actually in real jeoparody.

Something bad has happened! Quick! Blame someone!!!!

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

[This message has been edited by Long Path (edited September 10, 1999).]
Oh, for voice inflection. (sigh)

My post would have been much clearer if I had added two words.

I agree WITH YOU!

By the way, we must do "something"! Raising the age for gun ownership will stop these terrible school shootings by children because by raising the age it will become ILLEGAL! There! That'll fix 'em!

(The preceding was said in deepest sarcasm and total disdain for the devious blighters who foist these lies on us.)

Help me out here, folks. Hitler said something to the effect, "Give me a child until he is eight years old and he will be a Nazi forever!"

So, I figure raising the age for gun ownership is intended to "phase out" gun ownership in America by making it more difficult for youngsters to become familiar with (and appreciate) firearms.

And I also wonder what a "high caliber magazine" is.

I am tiring of our lying government and their surrogates, HCI (Hopelessy Clueless, Inc.) :(

It really is time for a change. Our government is dirtier than a two-day diaper.
it's funny they want to raise the age of buying a gun to 21, but they have no problem about sending an 18 year old to fight a war!
sorry son, you're to young to buy this weapon, but you're old enough to go to a foreign country so you can kill and die, for people that'll probably cuss you when it's over! yeah, makes a lot of sense.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do children of humans as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.-Helen Keller[/quote]

And while we're at it:
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>All of us who are concerned for peace, reason, and justice must be keenly aware how small influence reason and honest goodwill exert upon events in the political field.-Albert Einstein[/quote]

Shoot straight regards, Richard
The Shottist's Center

[This message has been edited by 45King (edited September 11, 1999).]
I could support the "no gun buying until age 21" if, and only if, that same age was applied in ALL other arenas. No military service (with or without parent's consent), no vote, no legal contracts, and so on down the line. We all know that requiring new recruits to be 21 or over would virtually elimiate first enlistments, so I don't expect equality to enter this argument.
Hey, I saw a quickie the other night with an interview with a young man who pointed out that while you're defining all those other subjects, how about not collecting TAXES from the paychecks of those under 21!!!!

Can we spell "no taxation without representation"?

I was and am ashamed that I never thought of that myself. If your rights are restricted until you're 21 (or 18, for that matter) then you shouldn't be subject to taxation.
Youngest age to go into the military: 17 years old - if a parent signs a consent form.

John, I can tell you are a very good father. You children a lucky to have a Dad as concerned as you are... I know this from the temperment of your posts.
Knowing this about you - your thread title as bombastic as it is was clear to me in it's intended meaning.

Your right... There are after our children!
They want our kids sick, stupid, and slothfull. they make better sheep that way. Eaisier to control. Like a Pimp and his Crack-Ho's.
Liek a commercial I heard on the way in to work today:
"Immunize before 2, it's up to You!" is the slogan. And the commercial said "It's okay to bring your child in with a fever." Oh my heck... You take a small child under 2 years - Weak already by being a baby, then further weakend by a cold or something - and then inject them with a disease!?!?
I know MANY folks who have suffer tradgedy from this kind of "Care."
If the mother breast feeds - her immunitiies are past on. You should not have to immunize untill 4 or older.
Schoosl also are no longer teaching Phonics as a method of learning to read. My neice is 9 years old and reads on a Senior level. She reads all the time. Her whole class can read anything. The next class could not learn phonics per a new legislation... None of them can read at all!

PROGRESS... Pretty soon the y will take the kids from the womb and put them into "schools!"

"There is no limit to stupidity. Space itself is said to be bounded by its own curvature, but stupidity continues beyond infinity."[/b]
The Critic formerly known as Kodiac

FWIW I didn't freak at the title of your thread either. I figured the topic would be along the lines discussed.


Exactly! We are preparing to do battle w/ our Pediatrician over immunizing our 2 m/o. I absolutely REFUSE to inject my child w/ diseases to prevent a disease, at such a small age and size. The silliest two vaccines, to me, are the chicken pox vaccine and the influenza shot. Once again, we, the sheeple, are wanting to over-protect our kids. (it's for the children!!) I'm not just spouting/ranting on this, either, I have done quite a bit of research on the topic and had a friend whose child DIED from the DTP vaccine. (Sorry to get so off topic here, just another one of my many soapboxes/hot-buttons...)

If my oldest daughter were to be seen by some gun-grabbing, liberal-minded, pansy-faced, no spine toadies...she'd be taken away from me fer sure. She's constantly got bruises and scrapes all over her extremities. She is a free-spirited child, and is allowed to be a child, w/o the influences of TV, brainwashing(Aka public school) etc... Good grief, I, as a child went to the ER ump-teen times for stitches and broken bones, all as a result of playing in creeks, climbing trees and digging around in people's trash bins (I know I know, and I don't wanna hear it!!!!) :)

"...What will you do without freedom? Will you fight?... Fight, and you may die, run and you'll live, at least a while. And dying, many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that, for just one chance, to tell our enemies, that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!!!"
je suis prest