The one that got away


Staff Alumnus
Last spring, I met a young lady through a matchmaking (online) service... attractive, intelligent, and lived literally right across the street from me. She has a kid who is not on Ritalin or Luvox, and doesn't need to be.

I was very quiet about being a gun owner at the time, so I didn't bring the subject up when we met offline. Neither did she.

We went out a few times, but before we could get serious, she went back home to Oregon. Sigh.

We still keep in touch via email and ICQ. As we've conversed, I've discovered some other facets about her:

--She's (L/l)ibertarian, and
--Her dad is a Class III dealer.


You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
Second Jonboy's reply..

Are you serious yet? Is SHE serious yet?

Sometimes the dock collapses waiting for the right ship to come in..


"Shoot low boys, they're riding Shetland ponies..." LG, RIP
Sorry, guys, but she's hooked up with someone else. Should've mentioned that, I spoze.

You can't get something for nothing,
You can't have freedom for free.
--Neil Peart
you guys are missing the most important thing. her dad is a class III. are her parents divorced? maybe you could hook up with pops

It ain't mah fault. did I do dat?
If she's not married, she's still fair game!


"They come, they eat, they leave...
"They come, they eat, they leave...NOT!!

Bill Clinton (aka: Hopper) Al Gore (aka: Molt) Janet Reno (aka: Thumper)

Well, even if she is married, as I constantly tell my missus:

Marriage is but a handicap, not a disqualification

(Excuse any typos, but I want to get this done before she comes downstairs, reads over my shoulder and clips me around the ear'oles!!) :)

you're inked, own gun's and are not shy about where you stand.
go after her man sweep her off her feet (oh yeah don't forget to grab her ammo) and bring her back to colo.
then show her a real or(e)gan.
come on lad jus do it
Until she says, "I do", she just might, ya know? ;)

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arms reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.
That's right - she's not 'gone' yet.

25 years ago I met a cute girl at work. But, she was married to another guy. Sigh. We kept in touch from time to time.

I got married to another woman. Lousy decision, worse marriage. 18 months later I divorced.

About that time I found out that cute girl was getting divorced. We renewed our friendship, and now ... we've been married for almost 15 years.

There are special girls, and sometimes life takes interesting twists. Listen to your heart from time to time, and good luck.
Just got back from Oregon, where I spent two weeks on vacation.

Go to her, man.

As a lifelong Texan who's bustin' with pride for my state, I may just have to move out there. If you can't stand liberals, stay out of the bigger cities (principally Portland and Eugene). I had a sweet young thing almost sell me the lovliest muzzle-loading .58 in Sisters before my wife walked up and put all (all) transactions to a halt. I think what was selling me was that the girl (about 19?) pointed out that it was exactly like the one she'd killed a 5X5 bull elk with last year.

Watch the last 30 minutes of The Graduate and go get 'er.

Even if she does get married, maybe her dad could take you as a stepson!

Ask Ipecac about on-line adoption. He's an expert. ;)

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
Salem isn't all that far from Reno, now that I think about it... maybe I'll shanghai her and bring to the meet in August. :)

Ignorance is takin' over,
We gotta take the power back.
--Rage Against The Machine
Let me tell you a story:
I was married. My wife started screwing around with an alcoholic bisexual. (Good thing I got a strong ego: She considered that and *improvement* over me!) I got divorced. At work there was this drop-dead gorgeous, smart, funny, incredibly feminine, goddess with whom I'd become friends. I figured that she'd never be interested in a slug like me. After a year as friends, I decided to ask her out. Figured, "What the Hell. Most she can do is say no, right?" Through some tremendous lapse of judgement on her part, she said yes.

That was 3 years ago. We have since moved to Savannah together, new jobs, new guns, and my life is whole and wonderful. Or, it would be if only she weren't so afraid of guns. Hey, she's just THAT short of perfect.

Go for it. If a dweeb like me can end up the happiest guy alive, so can you!
Move to Oregon?

For a woman?

Sure, why not?

Why, I moved to San Francisco from Oregon for a girlfriend and a job.

I still work for the same place after 8 years, and well, the girlfriend was out of the picture in 5 months.

Now, I own a house with a woman who is at ease at a fancy dress-up occasion or camping in Death Valley, going to Baja California for surf, who likes the .357 over the 9 mm, has horribly contrary opionions that just make no sense to me (vice-versa I am sure), etc.

I am sure there is useful message in there somewhere....or not.

Now, my unenlightened, protectionist side of me says, "Oregon already has too many people in it. I can remember when I lived next to cherry orchards and riparian creeks that are now already too numerous and generic strip malls and cement culverts. And people didn't care if you owned a gun, went to church or not, or looked like a socialite or a grass-seed farmer as long as you were civil in public. Last thing Oregon needs right now is more people coming in with pockets of cash (and everyone coming to Oregon just HAS oodles of cash) and furthering the degredation caused by increasing population effects."



To the person from Texas "bustin' with pride": Two of my sisters moved there. Both wanted to escape rainy Oregon and had sweeties there. One relationship worked out, one didn't, but both are still there. Anyway, after visiting them a few times, I can see why you would want to move to Oregon ;) Damn it is way too flat there for me. Of course I never got more than 3 or 4 hours out of Dallas/Ft Worth area.
If'n y'all come to Texas again, take the time to do a real tour of ole Number One.

In the East, tall green forests of every sort of tree you could want. Up north, flatter 'n a pancake but real oil country. Out West, enough dry land, with some oases, to satisfy yore dry land cravings. Then come visit the beautiful Hill Country.

When you come to the edge of Hill Country, just north of Alamo town, make sure you have yore guns with ya. We'll take a day 'n shoot everything ya got.

When we're done, and the irons are put up, The Shiner Bock's on me. (We might even get ole Nestor Rivera outa hidin'!)

Y'all come back now, ya hear?

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited July 16, 1999).]