The "official" types of firearms competitions


New member
I started to research this and quickly became overwhelmed. Can we try and create a condensed list of "official" firearms competitions (let's try to use the full names along with the acronyms please)

CAS - Cowboy Action Shooting (Generally under the SASS -Single Action Shooters Society listing).
IDPA - International Defensive Pistol Association
There's also:

IPSC (International Practical Shooting Confederation), the US component of which is known as USPSA (United States Practical Shooting Association).

ATA (Amateur Trapshooting Association)

IHMSA (International Handgun Metallic Silhouette Association)
NRA - the National Rifle Association supports mostly conventional (bullseye) target shooting in several different guns, but also now manages the Bianchi Cup as NRA Action Pistol.

CMP - Civilian Marksmanship Program - descendant of the DCM program, conducts conventional matches often in collaboration with NRA.

The National Matches run by NRA and CMP at Camp Perry, Ohio are going on RIGHT NOW.

NSSA - National Skeet Shooting Association, obviously skeet but also handles Sporting Clays.

USA Shooting - handles US entry in Olympic and other international events with rifle, pistol, and shotgun. Runs by ISU - UIT - ISSU rules and procedures.

Steel Challenge - fast shooting on plates.

WFA - World Fast Draw Association - blanks and wax bullets, but real fast. (Once upon a time there was Quick Draw shot with live ammo, but that has pretty much gone the way of anything that attracts too many lawyers.)
  1. American Handgunner (aka The Handgunner man on man world shootoffs)
  2. Steel Challenge (aka The Challenge world speed shoot.)
  3. Steel Madness (run and gun steel match format in California)
  4. "run and gun steel", "steel ipsc" (steel format popular in southern CA and Phoenix AZ)
  5. "Practical Plus" *(Run and Gun paper and steel match format similar to ipsc but scoring is strait time.)
  6. Bianchi Cup aka Bianchi (match foramt featuring zip line mover, baracade, and plate rack stages)
  7. Masters (match format where competitiors use several types of pistols including rifle caliber pistols, stock autos, and open guns)
  8. Chevy Sportsman Team Challenge (3 man teams compete in shottgun, pistol, and 22 rifle events)
  9. Pins (bowling pin competition where shooters race to shoot their pins off a special table before their competitior can shoot his off. Pins must be completely off the table not just tipeed over)
  10. Speeding Zone (speed shooting on static metal plates created by Everet Brunel of steel challenge fame)
  11. 3 gun, Multi Gun, IMG International Multi Gun (Run and gun format using pistol, rifle and shotgun)
Besides NRA Conventional Pistol (Bullseye), the NRA supports:
High Power Rifle
Action Pistol shooting
Air Pistol
Police Combat Pistol
Smallbore Rifle
Air Rifle
High Power Sporting Rifle
Black Powder Target Rifle
High Power Rifle Silhouette
Smallbore Rifle Silhouette
Air Rifle Silhouette
Black Powder Cartridge Rifle Silhouette
Cowboy Lever Action Silhouette
Long Range Pistol Silhouette
Smallbore Pistol Silhouette
Hunter's Pistol Silhouette
Smallbore Hunter's Pistol Silhouette
Air Pistol Silhouette
And the International Disciplines like Free Pistol, Centerfire Pistol, Rapid Fire Pistol, Women's Sport Pistol, and .22 Standard Pistol

The CMP runs Pistol and Rifle EIC matches and the President's One Hundred match.