The NRA Needs A "Ticker"!!!


New member
I don't know why I always get these brainstorms on Friday night or on the weekends when everyone is out of pocket. I'm sure most of you that have been online for a while, know what a "ticker" is. They come in various shapes and sizes and if you don't know what they look like, you can see one on my U.S. Constitution & Politics Discussion Forum at...

U.S. Constitution and Politics Discussion Forum

A ticker is a self-updating graphic that flashes the latest news information with the occasional advertisement. All you have to do to read about the headline or advertisement that is flashed, is to click on the ticker when it is showing what you want to read about and it will take you to the material requested.

This would be perfect for the various progun organizations around the country. They could run their own tickers and whenever there was some breaking news, emergency alert, or something else that need to be disseminated to the public quickly, they could just flash it on the ticker. All of the progun websites and talk forums across the country that had one would be a vehicle to help get the word out in a hurry. This would be a great addition to the usual fax and email alerts that so many of us are used to. This would get the information out to a lot of people who are less active or who refuse to be a "joiner" as far as organizations are concerned.

This would not eliminate the need for talk forums such as this, in fact it should give us more to talk about.

A NRA ticker could also flash membership recruiting offers and issues of interest to shooters and hunters in general.

To me, this sounds like a darn good idea. What do you guys think?


Joe's Second Amendment Message Board
I really like the concept.

Now, not to quash discussion....I 'd like tech details...maintenance, time, etc. It could be extremely cool!

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Yes, the whole program should more than pay for itself. The NRA, or whoever was running a certain ticker, could sell all kinds of advertising to companies who sold outdoors products.

On a NRA ticker, they could even put links back to "NRA Live" where people could watch and listen to the latest news. The people who sign up to put a ticker on their websites, could fill out a short questionnaire, about their geographic location and such. That way the tickers could be programmed to cater to certain parts of the country.

I don't know too much about the technical side of doing something like this, but I don't think that it would be all that involved.
