The NRA defends the shooting of people for being "annoying!"

Garand Illusion

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Just a little something to roll your eyes up and hopefully get mad about on a Thursday afternoon:

Yes, the term “Second Amendment Rights” is all too often a code word for “I’ll shoot anyone I fell like if they irritate me.” That’s just the basic reality.

That’s why the NRA has been pushing for the life-threatening “License to Murder” laws in so many states. That’s why thus far a man in Texas, as we have written about on Gun Guys, has gotten away with shooting two people in the back and killing them, despite police warnings that he should stay in his house.

Yes! That's the kind of world we NRA members really want! A world where anybody can shoot anybody for any reason! That's the world I want for my family!

Wow. Because if you DARE believe in self defense for law abiding citizens, clearly the aforementioned world is what you want.

And as has been written about here ad nauseum, the Mr. Horn story from Texas is a little more complex than has been stated. And it wasn't the police telling him to stay in his house -- it was a 911 operator reading from a script who wasn't there.

Just like the 911 operator who told the students in the library at Columbine to stay under the tables and not flee the building, which is where the murders found them. If you let a 911 operator be responsible for your safety, you are in big trouble.

Maybe, as indicated in the December 18th report from Georgia, we all get annoyed by the actions of others during the day.

But, because we are not armed, we don’t think about venting our irritation by shooting someone.

In that last sentence, they give away their own personalities. Because they are not armed, they don't vent their irritations by shooting anybody. Because if they had guns, that's what they'd do. Which is why they don't want us (sane people) to have guns.

I've actually been carrying a gun during verbal altercations that turned quite loud, and AMAZINGLY, my weapon stayed in its holster. It wasn't even discussed or shown, as it stayed concealed. Even if one of those arguments had turned violent (unlikely, as I would have tried to walk away before that happened) I wouldn't have drawn unless I truly thought my life was on the line and I had already done everything I could do avoid the assault.

What a sick view of mankind these anti's have.

What happened recently in Texas and Atlanta is indicative of a society that has given its citizens the understanding that grievances can be resolved with gun violence.

Our Constitution is a noble document that is the strength of our nation, but the mythology about gun ownership and actions that the NRA and the gun industry have developed undermines the very glue of a civilized democracy.

What happened in Texas is indicative of a man who aggressively defended his neighborhood against criminals. Maybe too aggressively -- courts may have to decide. It wasn't a grievance, it was a response to an active crime.

What happened in Atlanta (a man shooting a construction worker for being loud) is a crime, plain and simple. Not covered by any castle doctrine or any other law supported by the NRA. We do NOT accept that and never will.

The idiocy about the constitution is too stupid to go into here.
"If you have a gun, IT will MAKE you shoot people." Hogwash.

I'm a hotheaded son of gun, but I walk lightly, bite my tongue, and am generally less likely to get into an altercation SINCE I started carrying a gun, not the other way around. Being angry does not lead to violence by default. If it did the world would be a much bloodier place than it is or ever has been. Some people are idiots. They have the right to express their idiocy. I have the right to call them an idiot for it.
Well, I read it and it scared me all right; these idiots vote.

Weapon are what made us human; until we armed ourselves, leopards routinely ate our ancestors kids (Lucy's folk's were the first with their flint-tipped spears). These folks want to drag us back six million years so we can all live in fear of predators again. No thanks.