The NRA are not people of America?

Miss Demeanors

New member
I got this from Infobeat news. I had to laugh, seeing that I just joined a few weeks ago, and I am American the last time I checked, and I am a person, I consider myself part of the AMerican people. According to Gore and Reno I am not.
Reno presses for gun control laws

WASHINGTON (AP) - Attorney General Janet Reno and Vice President Al Gore Thursday took up President Clinton's renewed call for Congress to pass new gun restrictions in the wake of two office shootings in as many days. Gore pledged to make gun control a prime issue in his presidential campaign and criticized majority Republicans for failing to resolve key differences in legislation passed by the House and Senate earlier this year. "The leadership in the House have paid attention to the National Rifle Association instead of to the American people," Gore said at the Capitol. "Why is the NRA that important to them when we have these horrific instances of gun violence?"

N = National

What nation? Last time I checked it was the USA.


A = American

So that would by definition make us NRA members American people.
Perhaps a better student of history than I can help me out here:

1) From what I've heard, the Jews in Germany in the late '30s and early '40s were NOT called "German Jews" or "Jewish Germans". They were called "Jews" (by the Germans) to separate them from the "real" German people.

2) I remember being terrified of Japanese during (and shortly after) WWII. ALL Japanese were supposed to be bright yellow - I mean "glow in the dark" yellow! They all had squinty, slanted eyes and sharply pointed incisors (on top) like vampires or something.

Later, in Junior High School, I had forgotten all this "training" - but it was brought to mind when suddenly, in our 300+ person class, there was an absolutely beautiful oriental girl. She wasn't yellow. Her eyes were beautiful. Her teeth were white but otherwise unremarkable. She spoke without the funny accent she was "supposed" to have and I don't believe she ever once said, "Ah so..."

Oh, yes. We were never taught about our country putting Americans of Japanese ancestry in concentration camps. After all, only Germans did things like that, right?

3) Speaking of Germans, in the 1940s I believed all Germans were taller than six feet and engaged in atrocious, barbaric acts at all times.

4) To belabor the point, my fine northern school taught us about Southerners.
- ALL Southerners were dumb hicks and slave owners who were drunk nearly all the time, would hang some poor black father of two and hurry home to sleep it off so they could go to their Southern Baptist Church the next morning.
- All Southerners were KKK or at least sympathizers.
- The dumb rebels started the Civil War and, by God, the northerners finished it!
Abraham Lincoln save the Union.

I am infuriated at:
- What I was taught in school in the '40s and '50s.
- What the buggers TRIED to teach me in college in the '60s, '70s, and '80s. (Yeah, I'm a slow learner! ;) )
- our current political system which demonizes anyone who differs from their paternalist plans for "the masses.

What I'm trying to say, Miss D, is that it is not a slip of the lip that the NRA is being carefully separated from "the American People". It is part of the "demonization" of all gun owners.

To fight this, I support the NRA even though I do not agree with what I consider their compromises.

And, as I previously have stated, I fight these lying political buggers by giving my time, what little money I can afford, and all other efforts I can muster to support our Second Amendment.

Personally, I feel it is time to "demonize the demonizers". Gently, persuasively, consistently, at every opportunity, calmly try to convince any and all listeners that it is the "demonizers" of selected American citizens who need to be regarded as "nuts"! And gun owners should be considered the "protectors of liberty".
What do Reno and Algore really mean?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>WASHINGTON (AP) - Attorney General Janet Reno and Vice President Al Gore Thursday took up President Clinton's renewed call for Congress to pass new gun restrictions in the wake of two office shootings in as many days. Gore pledged to make gun control a prime issue in his presidential campaign and criticized majority Republicans for failing to resolve key differences in legislation passed by the House and Senate earlier this year.[/quote]

IMHO they are just criticizing the Republicans for not caving in again and giving the democrats what they want. We all know if they had their way, even this forum, would be illegal.

Perhaps we as gunowners should agree on a symbolic patch of a distinctive shape and color to sew on our clothes. Then we would be just like the Jews and Homosexuals and Gypsies in pre WW2 Germany, marked as different and sub human.

Then we would give HCI and the Liberal swine in congress what they really want, a group of people to turn the masses against. This is after all what they really want, scapegoats to mask their grab for power.

Geoff Ross

Damn!...I need more practice!
Pi$$ off the left, register to vote.
I vote the patch should be the shape of an HK MP5, provided we all get a free one.

Seriously, it kills me when Klintonites act like the NRA is some marginal pariah group. Attention democratic dumbasses: The reason NRA has over 5 times the money and clout of HCI is simple: There's five times as many AMERICAN citizens who feel strongly about the issue, and are on the right side of it!
It has been mentioned a few times before, and I think we ought to stick with it. At ANY public rally or political meeting, get your group together and all wear the yellow Star of David with the words "Gun Owner" or "NRA member" on it (left breast). It lays a MAJOR guilt trip on everybody.

If anyone comments or complains, and you DARE them to, you say it is memory of another demonized group who lived, briefly, under a government where only the police and military had guns, and that we are headed that way again.

I wrote JFPO about the propriety of this and never got an answer, so it must not be a sore spot. A few Jewish people I talked with
"hmmd" for a moment and then said it didn't cheapen their memory, and in fact, was a good analogy. It may be different in your neck of the woods.

One guy, who started me off on this, wore his to the Denver NRA meeting right after Columbine. While the protesters were haranguing the others, both they and the media stayed clear of him (I suspect out of embarrassment).

Right after Columbine, I wore one to a Las Vegas gun show and paraded three or four times in front of the media's cameraman in an attempt to get quizzed or taped. They were too busy taping scenes of people buying assault rifles.

I went up to the NRA table and we chatted a bit but they studiously avoided noticing my "patch" (made of of yellow paper and stuck on my breast with Scotch double-sided tape. The Denver guy made one out of a yellow margarine top and a safety pin.)

NOBODY commented on the patch, and those I bought items from seemed overly polite (don't spook the looney). And these folks are on OUR side! Imagine the discomfort from the antis.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Interesting note, the pink triangle that points down is a symbol that was first used by the nazis to mark homosexuals. Now the civil rights movement uses the same symbol as a symbol of pride. I once asked a leader of the National Gay Alliance as to why they would use a symbol that was first used by the nazis. The responce was, "Never again!"

I can't realy argue with that line of thought.
I vote the patch should be the shape of an HK MP5, provided we all get a free one.

Um, Futo, did you mean a free patch, or a free MP5? ;)

"The right of no person to keep and bear arms in defense of his home, person and property, or in aid of the civil power when thereto legally summoned, shall be called in question.." Article 11, Section 13, CO state constitution.
Gore is ... a gun bigot. He is intolerant of the philosophy of others. He is anti-self defense. He tramples the civil rights of free Americans. He wants to demonize peaceful gun owners, and he wants to centralize all force only in the hands of the government.

Gore is a gun bigot. Let's call these b*****ds what they really are. No quarter. No 'compromise'. We don't compromise with bigots.
The wars in this century killed 32 million.Hitler killed 21.Lenin/Stalian killed 64.Mao,more.The point being;govts. kill more people than any other cause.The exact figures are unknown,but Stalin said when he was killing Ukrainions,"One person`s death is a tragedy.30 million is a statistic."Look at Waco.
Jeff T.,

You are not only correct, it's worse than that. Our current government wants so much control that we would have NO say in anything they subject us to.

Eventually, that leads to the type of "cleansing" noted by Ghost Six.

We "compromised" ourselves into weakness. I truly fear we can not get out of this mess with the current power-mad members of our government.

So, I am forced to agree: no more compromises, no quarter.

Stick it to 'em! RKBA!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited November 11, 1999).]
Futo Inu, how could you? We all know that the Baretta 92FS is already being used by HCI as the gun control poster child. The patch must be in the shape of a Baretta 92FS! Got that? Free Barettas for everyone!
The steps to minimalizing an opposing point of view:
1. Demonize the opposition.
2. De-humanize your supporters' preseptions of the opposition.
3. Eliminate the opposition because they are no longer a part of your (the good) society.

If the Clintonistas can make the bulk of their supporters believe that the NRA is some vast souless juggernaut bend on the destruction of the American Way, then we will be looked at like the mafia and Jamacian Posses - criminals who deserve to be liquidated.

I write to my two Senators constantly and remind them of the human face (read: voting citizen) of the NRA and the gun owning population.