The NRA and Conservatives.


New member
First let me say that I am an NRA member and am not accusing it or other members of impure intentions. The NRA is the best that we have and has been until quite recently the only organized resistance against those who would disarm Americans.

During the last month or so, it seems that the tempo has increased in conservative's and the NRA's advocating strict enforcement of federal firearms laws as an alternative to new controls proposed by liberals. At the same time, many of the same conservative politicians, and the NRA, demand answers and declare their opposition to what happened at Waco.

Do these people have an utter disdain for principles or what? With friends like these, who needs enemies? On the one hand, they claim that what happened at Waco and Ruby Ridge was wrong. On the other hand they advocate more of the same!

What really happened at Waco and Ruby Ridge? What really happened was federal firearms laws enforcement. What happened was the enforcement of laws that infringed on the right to keep and bear arms; laws that have no foundation in reason. What are these people thinking?
Yes, the people leading the NRA DO have an utter disdain for principles! I mean, I've never been very happy with the NRA, once I joined and got a gander at the way it really operates, but attending that convention in Philly last year was a shocker none the less. The people currently leading the NRA simply refuse to address any legitimate questions concerning NRA policy, and resorted to the worst sort of slander at the convention in order to put down disidents within the NRA. They violate the bylaws on a regular basis. One guy got attacked by the departing President's bodyguards, (And ask yourself why an NRA president would feel the need for body guards at an NRA convention!) just because he tried to videotape the board meeting; They put him down with a sleeper hold, and confiscated the tape. He sued the NRA for assault, won, and the NRA is currently appealing. AND NOT ONE WORD ABOUT THIS HAS APPEARED IN ANY OF THE NRA'S PUBLICATIONS! To attend one of these events, and then read about it in the American Rifleman, is to understand that the leadership has exactly zero regard for the truth.

Yes, they're now urging the enforcement of laws which only a few years back the NRA attacked as blatently unconstitutional. And at a time when our take on the Second amendment has finally won over the legal community!

I've expressed this opinion before: The current leadership of the NRA has decided that the gun control movement is going to win, and all they're trying to do now is buy time with a strategy of selective surrender. That's the GOOD interpretation of their actions. Some days I wonder whether the NRA might not have been taken over by moles from the gun control movement, and just turned into a mechanism for diverting the energy of gun owners into harmless directions. It certainly does a good job of it!

Sic semper tyranus!
I'm just very relieved that the National Rifle Association worked so hard to get the instant background check passed. If it were not for thier heroic efforts, there would be that many more illegal purchases made. Even if what they fought for kept just one fellon from purchasing a handgun from a FFL holder, the registration of all gun owners would be worth it.

After all, we have FAR more to fear from that fellon possessing an FFL purchased firearm than we could ever have form the powers that be that are just looking out for our safety. Why do you think that there are so many laws on the books? You should feel good that so many legislators and executives care so much about you. Remember, the govt loves you and so does the NRA. I can sleep much better knowing that we have such benevolent men in our fed govt and that the NRA is there to encourage them to enforce those gun laws that demonstrate thier love for all humanity.

To those in positions of power to enact and enforce those laws, I have something to say.
Thank you for protecting my family from the guys that might do us harm. You do a far better job of protecting us than we husbands and fathers ever could. If you wish, please remove the sources of danger from our homes. You have the lists of firearms available. With the NRA instant background check, you have a list of those who have purchased them. You know where to find them. Thank you for your service to our country.

To own firearms is to affirm that the privelege to do so is a gift from the state.

Those who trade liberty for security pass on to our children a kinder, gentler world.

Put down your guns people, and join hands around the world. We are the world, give peace a chance.

A mans heart can be changed by a plea to his higher moral nature. If someone demands something at gunpoint, just realize, he needs it more than you do.

[This message has been edited by EQUALIZER (edited September 19, 1999).]