Small frame with big guns
I think I may end up being one of these but not necessarily by choice. I'm getting my CWP next month and the only handgun I have is a full size 1911 which I bought because it's what I shoot the best (so far). To make it worse I'm not quite 5'7" tall and weigh 150lbs.
I plan on getting something more concealable in the future when funds allow but for now I will try to hide the 1911 as best as possible. Once it gets cold I don't think I will have any problem.
I am about your size, maybe a hair leaner, but I can easily conceal some pretty big guns. I think because of my narrow hips, the guns sit flatter!
I have an inside the waist holster that rides low, but is a strong side reverse draw. That way, the grip goes forward. No showing if bending over, and it rides pretty comfortable around 4 O'clock.
I have concealed a glock 17, many revolvers, and even a 7.5 inch blackhawk!
Yes, at one thanksgiving party we hosted at our house, with many friends that are not so firearms friendly, i tested this carry out. For two days,I carried the 7.5 inch blackhawk with just a flannel shirt covering.
Nobody noticed, and I even sat down, played with the kids, etc.
The long barrel rides along the hip area.
I find this a good way to test carry methods. The consequences are not as great if the technique does not work!
You have to practice safely drawing from the reverse grip. Do it slowly. Pull straight up out of the holster, making sure to keep it vertical along the side of your torso, and immediately point the gun, upside down towards downrange, and then roll it over as you come to horizontal. You can do this around step three of the gunsite type presentation. Practice over and over with an empty gun, and check in the mirror to see if the "laser" points anywhere you don't want. Irregardless of what many people say, you CAN draw safely with some practice.
Make sure your 1911 is empty and safe and try positioning it inside your waistband/belt to see how this works.
I can carry strongside with the grip tipped, but it always shows some bending over, because I am lean, front to back.