The next thousand years...


New member
Ok, put on your pronosticator hat and look in your crystal ball and lets hear your predictions for the next thousand years.

Here's mine:
1. Sooner or later a WW3 with Russia and China vs USA and our good buddies in NATO
2. Grow your own body parts. Need a new liver, you'll be able to grow one.
3. Alien life will come visit us, but we probably won't like it!
Russia and China vs the US? NFL in this case stands for Not F-ing Likely. If there is a WW3 it will be Russian AGAINST China.
Actually, I agree with nebob on point one.

Has everyone been wathcing the deterioration of US/Russian relations recently? Just today the major headlines on CNN cite tension between the US and Russia over the situation in Chechnya and the expulsion of a Russian diplomat on grounds of spying.

Yeltsin and Jiang Zemin have also been buddying up lately, and are determined to not have Klinton and the West dictate to them how to run their lives and countries. They now refer to each other as "old friends."

Yelstin on US opposition to Russian forces in Chechnya: "(U.S. President Bill) Clinton allowed himself to pressurize Russia yesterday...He must have forgotten for a moment what Russia is...It has a full arsenal of nuclear weapons."

I don't know about WWW3, but it certainly seems that we're headed for a new Cold War.

Any thoughts?
New cold war?I didn't think the old one ever stopped.The spying and one upmanship all continued so did it ever?

So let's see.

1) Clinton is worsening relations with Russia, driving them into the open arms of China, threatening to create (against the USA) an alliance of the world's two greatest potential foes.

2) Clinton believes the nation-state is dead and is trying to make the United Nations supreme over all lands. But we are not supposed to call this a New World Order - that's only for conspiracy nuts!

3) Clinton, to achieve his goals, must disarm and subjugate the American people downward to a level of subservience acceptable to all the other members of the United Nations.

Nice. Really nice. Where is a Teddy Roosevelt when you need one???

With the possible exception of Alan Keyes and what's-his-name (Pat Buchanan), I don't see a single Presidential candidate who opposes this New World Or... oops... I mean the "New Reality of Global Interdependence." Yeah. And don't forget to use the word "hegemony" a few times for the college professors and their wannabees.

And Bush will take up where Clinton leaves off.....

Grump is back! Grrr.

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited December 09, 1999).]
beemerb - I agree. It never has REALLY ended. I guess now it's just a little more visible ad intense...

Dennis - I'm not sure I'm following your response as it pertains to the heightening threat that seems to be rising in the East.

Yes, Clinton certainly has an agenda that lends itself to NWO. But, how realistic is it to think that NWO will actually happen? And if it did, how would it affect the tensions arising between the NATO countries and Russia/China? Am I being naive?

The upcoming presendtial election and the candidates running are whole other ball of wax. Watching the debates hasn't been too encouraging...

[This message has been edited by AKrob (edited December 09, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by AKrob (edited December 09, 1999).]
What will happen in the next 1000 years? I think ...

1. North American and European borders will blur, with fewer and fewer restrictions on passing between counties. America will gain a few states (Guam, PR, perhaps some Canadian provinces)

2. Canada will break up. Some provinces will join US, some will go alone.

3. Technology will continue to evolve geometrically while human beings evolve linearly, causing pressures and catastrophic breaks in human society : new religions will form, basic human relationships will change from excess technology (man/wife/child/ect).

4. The nuclear boundry will be broken through excess proliferation : some small sh&t country that can't feed itself will use a nuclear weapon in a war. Wars after that will be few and far between as all antagonists realize nukes are on the table to stay.

5. As all other continients have already done, Africa will finally get it's crap together and get it's industrial revolution underway. It will be the new economic powerhouse of the 2200's, with the only available slave labor pool left on the planet after Asians have enough of it and develop a middle class.

6. We will not colonize the moon, or mars, or anywhere else.

7. All this is wrong if Y2K "worst case" happens. It may still be wrong anyway. In 3001 you can come back here and dis me once I'm proved wrong. I promise not to reply in a harsh way.


[This message has been edited by Ozzie223 (edited December 09, 1999).]

Okay (pant, pant) let me calm myself a bit. (Deep breath...)

My point number one was agreeing with your indication of thawing Sino-Soviet relations and with Clinton being at least a partial cause.

The rest of my post was a rant against Clinton and a whine that we have no "real American" candidates for President.

While I agree with the logic of your post, I hope and pray we don't get into a WW3. With our "technological advances", future all-out wars will not respect geography. Much of the U.S. *will* be destroyed and millions of Americans *will* be wounded, maimed, disfigured, and killed.

I believe Clinton is making this horrible scenario more likely by weakening America and its military while simultaneously creating and developing enemies against us.

I must stop here. You may continue by applying all of your known vulgarities and curses against this cur of a man.

Pertaining to the New World Order. I believe it is inevitable.

As communication and involvement increase in both volume and geographical area, we become more and more dependent upon outside influences.

For example: I drive a Ford Crown Victoria. It is "made" in Canada from parts manufactured all over the world: Canada, USA, Japan, Mexico, and elsewhere. It is impossible to buy an "American" car - parts come from lowest bidders around the world.

This lends itself to government expansion and (worse, in my opinion) to additional governments (plural).

Picture the U.S. in the 1700s. Governments were VERY local. Although much "rule" was provided by the church, there were governments but they governed small geographical areas such as towns. So-called "higher" governments were virtually non-existent or had little local effect.

Later, governments expanded to govern counties. Eventually state governments became powerful and (roughly at the end of the Civil War) the federal government became supreme.

Regional governments, ruling over previously independent nations therefore would seem to be the next logical step in the progression.

Some people maintain regional government rule already has been established by "international" treaties such as NAFTA, GATT, NATO, etc.

After regional governments would come a world government. The United Nations is trying to become such a world government. It may not succeed quickly because they are skipping the "regional" government step; but the U.N. sure is putting up a good fight and have succeeded far beyond what I would like to see.

Personally, I believe the farther (or higher) a government is from the governed, the more despotic and intrusive the government becomes. The greater the geography ruled by a government, the greater the lack of reality in its "one-size-fits-all" rules.

I prefer government at the lowest possible level. I believe in states' rights with the federal government playing a supervisory role - as established quite clearly in our U.S. Constitution.

I fully realize that this marks me as a pre-civil war troglodyte. However, I believe limited government provides the greatest effectiveness and efficiency for government rule while securing the greatest freedom and liberty for the governed. Greater government has proven consistently to deteriorate all those values I've just named. Therefore, I shall fight government expansion and fight for the right (and tools) to do so.

Stick it to 'em! RKBA!
didn't i tell you guys about the asteroid that is on an impact course with earth?
It is due around 2040...


now that will ruin anybodies NWO

Why won't mankind colonize other planets? Our technology keeps getting better and our politicians keep giving us reasons to find a new frontier. :)
Imagine yourself sitting on a rock in 1000 AD and asking this question. What reality has seen is far far beyond the imagination of that simple person living so long ago. I think that we can barely contemplate what the world will be like 1000 years from now.

I think that Bio-Technology interface will become a reality. In this world the line between what we envision as reality and unreality will be gone. Reality will be virtual. You will step into places that exist only in the future equivalent of servers - and spend most of your time there.
Whole worlds will exist where you can do anything and be anyone.

Death will be meaningless. Not only will we have absolutely mastered our genetic code to produce beings that do not get sick etc., we will have body parts grown that will replace whatever gets damaged. If by chance you physically die - your 'soul and self' will have already been backed up to some bio-chemical media to be restored to a virtual host in the vitual worlds that will abound. Technology will largely be 'self-fixing' and self-producing.

Society will be segmented into two classes - much like in Vernes' The Time Machine. THere will be those who do the dirty work and there will be those who enjoy the fruits of this technology. Much like now, but vastly more pronounced.

There will be roving bands of disaffected peoples living in a kind of MadMax world throughout much of the world. THey will have no homes or real jobs or real lives to speak of. They will find themselves on the outside of the walled cities that will attempt to keep them out. The disparity between the haves and the have nots will be enormous.

Governments will cease to exist as we know of them. The world will be controlled by corporate interests with pseudo-governmental powers as figureheads. It will be alot like the world in that movie Demolition Man - if you remember that one - The World controlled by Taco Bell.

The individual will count as nothing and our conceptions of Liberty etc will be taught as something bad. THe hive mentality will be promoted.

Damn I could go on, but I guess that is enough. I don't think we can even imagine what it will be like. I am just sad that I won;t be around to see it. In short, the values that we espouse and hold most dear will be swept aside. My grandchildren will know nothing of liberty in the real sense. In a way I guess I don't either - being born in 1966. Almost enough to make you cry to think of it.

Live Free.
(Slap!) Thanks! I needed that! (Burp!) Escuse me. First Shiner always does

Wild predictions, huh? Gimme another Thi... Thi, er, SHiner Bock.
Lessee here... predictions:

Republican candidates will be Bush and McCain.

Genetic manipulation and intervention proves effective and may permit:
- the eradication of many of the 200 or so forms of cancer.
- a workable cure for the problem of obesity.
- a deterrent to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
- both a deterrent and a cure for diabetes.
- a cure for both osteo- and rheumatoid arthritis.
- an effective method to lower triglycerides, LDL levels and arterial
cholesterol. This proves to be the greatest breakthrough of all time,
providing great protection against heart attacks and stroke - the first and
third greatest killers of Americans. (Cancers are second.)

Microsurgery is perfected for most heart and even brain operations. Hospital
stays and costs are to cut 50% or even 30% of former, cruder, more painful
and less successful primitive open surgeries.

Many previously-approved depressants and mood-affecting medications will
be found to have unforseen effects upon certain patients. In some case,
these adverse reaction will be linked to acts of violence previously thought
to be random.

Natural herb remedies will be thoroughly researched for the first time in an
organized manner by medical organizations and research facilities who have
no interest in the manufactured-medication market.

New automotive technology will include:
- Seventy mile per gallon automobiles (one is already on the market).
- Automobiles which are totally computer-controlled by communication
strips embedded in the highways (already proven technology).
- Alcohol sensing devices in every car which prevent the car from starting if
the driver has consumed alcohol.
- Blackmarket devices for bypassing such alcohol sensing devices.

China, now in full control of the Panama Canal, extorts millions of dollars
from American shipping to proceed through the canal.

The United States government continues to reduce the “expense” of military
retired and disability pay by further increasing the disparity between the
increases in cost of living and the reduced increases in benefit payments.

“Smart gun” technology is perfected and results in increased gun sales as
now each gun can be fired only by its owner, therefore each person must
now have their own gun.

Canada becomes more divided with acts of terrorism on both sides of the
Quebec v. Canada struggle, threatening to become the new “Northern