The Next Step

Ed Brunner

New member
This wont work for me because I'm too old,but the next step is for you young folks to get into politics.

It is US versus THEM and they are winning because THEY make the laws.

Is it too simple to believe that WE can accomplish our goals only by becoming politicians?

Better days to be,

Become Politicians? No, we should take their jobs but not become a politictian. The powers that be will do what ever it takes to remain in power. The care nothing about what is right or anyone's RIGHTS. They think of themselves as Rulers not representatives of the people.

We need those brave few that will do what is right by the Constitution, not the Polls, even if it means losing the next election. There are extremely few of those brave souls in Washington D.C. now.
I fear our political system is broken. In theory, anyone can become successful in politics. In practical terms, it is NOT possible without the backing of at least one of the two big players (Republicans & Democrats).

And these two parties, with their fanciful posturings of debate, are more allied with each other than with us. Their goals include personal accumulation of power and wealth and "improvement" of the system by eliminating personal responsibility of the leaders and economic (and eventually physical) enslavement of "the masses" (that's US!).

Look at the current impeachment mess. Our "leaders" won't punish one of their own.

Look at campaign reform. It sounds good but included outlawing knowledge and publication of how our representatives vote in Congress!

Whose side are they on? Their own! Do you think the Democrats and Republicans would permit a third party to develop adequate power to threaten the status quo? Never happen, G.I.!

Americans will not support a third party adequately because of the social and patronage powers of the two big parties.

Look at your big companies. Heck, narrow it for a moment just to the phone companies (e.g. AT&T, MCI, Sprint, etc.). They give hundreds of millions of dollars annually to BOTH parties. These are BUSINESS people! They wouldn't be "giving" their money unless they made a return on their investment. And by the way, the money they give has been taken from us - their customers & clients - thru higher rates. So we are forced to make contributions to those who would enslave us.

Look at any of the big political conventions. It's party time! The feeling of "belonging" to an "exciting" major political party overwhelms any thoughts of logic, fairness, liberty, or "Who's gonna pay for all this?".

Personally, I think Rooster's approach is the "final solution" for America. But Americans are still too fragmented (me! me!) a political force for Rooster's approach to work at the moment. And the politicians keep us fragmented by ensuring arguments such as Social Security, education, gun control, abortion, etc. etc. keep us divided.

So long as the oligarchy can keep the populace fragmented, the "people" won't have a chance. And if they can keep us fragmented long enough to confiscate our only means of taking our government back (a la "Rooster"), we are doomed.

Gotta stop. Getting too fired up..... :(
I'm afraid Dennis is exactly on mark.

The best "normal folk" can do is get into local politics. It starts becoming expensive and other factors begin to come into play once a person goes for county and above offices. Look in your own regions and consider how far up the chain Libertarians are successful.

Jesse Ventura is a fluke...don't get me wrong, I like the concept of grassroots dark horses and I like Jesse. But, say in Calif, it would never happen. I'm not saying not to try, but a realistic goal for a person would be as a lightening galvanize and inspire a new thought process in voters. Then maybe in 10 yrs or so, with concerted effort, a 3rd party person may begin to make inroads to higher offices and positions.
But you need serious people, not clowns like Perot. Ross was in a position to have done some real good, but he wasn't serious, it was a "lark" for him; as a result he blew 3rd party credibility back 20 yrs.

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