RKBA advocates seem to be energized and active, the "Couple of Dozen Soccer Moms Who Know Hillary" have snuck away in their Excursions and Suburbans. If G.W. pulls it off, as I believe he will, our job has just begun. We MUST let the Republicans know that we voted for the 2nd admendment, that WE are the force that did not support Bush the elder, due to his "compromises" on our rights, and that if they want our support,they better make us happy. If, God forbid, the Gore socialist collective wins, we need to convince them that we nearly defeated them, and only the Gore retreat on gun control saved his wooden butt. Letter writing campaigns, both to local and national polititians, need to focus on gun owners as a force to be catered to, stronger than labor, more organized than special interest groups. We may never be stronger than we are now.