The next land rush???

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News Shooter

New member
Do you think the gulf coast could become the next free/cheap land in the US as people move out and don't come back? Would you invest?
Could make great hunting property. If you own property there do you still have to buy an out of state license?

Some land in north Texas has doubled in price in the last three years.

It sounds appealing.
I wouldn't invest if it does come out to be cheap land, but my guess is that it will more likely be EXPENSIVE land. I figure that there will be massive sums of money thown at redevelopment there after they get the mess cleaned up. Just my opinion...lots of people will just abandon what they had and some are no longer with us :( bad situation any way you look at it.
...Visions of eminent domain (along with sugar plums) danced through there heads...

For the good of the "community" we'll probably see a lot of NOLA property grabbed by the local government for social housing programs etc...

Just my take on the situation..
Gulf Coast property will never, ever be cheap/free. It's been hit big before and has never been close to free. The hurricanes are just something the people that live there know will happen eventually, and consider it woth the risk and aren't about to sell the land cheap. There are many many people that pay lots of money for that land, and still do even now.
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