The new phenomenon of mass murders in schools and the workplace

Musta been that dang violent wireless telegraph!

It was all Marconi's fault. Hertzian waves filling the atmosphere...

'Taint natural!
There are books out on Columbine now that say the killers wanted to produce mass casualities by their bombs. However, they failed to go off and they move to shooting. They brought the guns to shoot at the arriving emergency personnel. But their plans went awry.
As long as humans inhabit the planet, there will be mass killings - by governments and by individuals. For man is just an animal that has the ability to rationalize its actions.

The morals and ethics of our society today are by far the worst of any time period. That's why I carry a concealed weapon as often as I can and have one in every car / truck and around my home. For there are both 4 legged and 2 legged animals out there.
EXACTLY! Every incident is being reported nationwide now. The agenda is clear. Homicides and shootings in particular happen every single day, just not reported. Have motor vehicle accidents dropped this year? -7-