The new healthcare law gives obama authority to create a new 6000 man army

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On Internet, must be true.

I don't like seeing stuff like this on my TFL :( I come here to get away from it.
"most insidiously, osteopaths."

Osteopaths, maybe, but what about chiropractors?

PLEASE GOD, NOT CHIROPRACTORS! (note that my best and longest-term friend is the ONLY chiropractor whom I'll allow to work on me.)

I'm not even sure where the concept that this is an "Army," as if it will have guns and bombs and tanks, etc., arose.

I don't like Obama one bit, but you know who I like even less?

The mouth-breathing reprobate morons who put together crap like this and slam it on Utoob, the ones who read what's in black and white and immediately begin inventing organizations of nefarious purposes that they claim will be used to strip us of our rights and finalize our enslavement to Brother Obama.

I'd say those people should be lobotomized, as it doubtless lead to a marked improvement in their cognative abilities.

All together now...

Ah one,

Ah two,

Ah closed.

P.S. - Even if this weren't being closed because it's asshattery of the finest degree, it would be closed because it's a cut and paste drive by.
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