It's the Hammerli SP-20.
There are four recent models of Hammerli .22 semiautos on the market today:
1) The SP-20, as seen in Guns & Ammo.
2) The Trailside, which is a very basic Buckmark-type pistol.
3) The 280, which is similar to the SP-20 in general design (with the magazine in front of the trigger) but has most of the frame made of a carbon fiber material rather than metal. This model has been discontinued.
4) The 208S, which is similar to a S&W M41. This model has also been discontinued.
I've shot the SP-20 and it is indeed very, very nice. The trigger, grip and balance are wonderful. Amongst serious Bullseye shooters, though, the 208S is still the favorite. This is partly because it's been around for a while and partly because its layout is roughly similar to that of the M1911-A1. Because the 208S has been discontinued, its street price has risen to near $1700.
The best place to buy a Hammerli is .
P.S.: If you get a purple one, please -- DON'T post any pictures!