The New Gun Show Etiquette


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Articles by J.J. Johnson

The New Gun Show Etiquette

John Doe walks into the local gun show with a sign on his back that says,
"I have a shotgun. It’s not for sale, but I need $200 for my kids”

Walking through the show, Jim Smith sees the shotgun he always wanted, and
the sign on John’s back.. So, he asks Mr. Doe, “Hey, that’s a nice shotgun.
How much you askin’ for it?”

John replies in a loud voice, “I can’t sell it to you – not unless you want
to go through a mandatory federal background check. But frankly, I really
don’t need it, and I’d just as soon give it away. By the way, would you
happen to have $200.00? I like to send my kid to conflict
resolution class.”

Jim Smith says, “Sure. Guess I could loan you the money. Mind if I hold that
shotgun as collateral?”

“Sure, I’m good for the money. Here you go…” and Jim hands John two crisp
one-hundred dollar bills. In return, John says, “Hold this shotgun while I
count it.”

On the way out of the gun show, Jim Smith finds John Doe again near the door
and says,

“By the way John, You’re right. People who don’t want their guns shouldn’t
be forced to keep them. And after all, conflict resolution class is more
important than gun ownership. So, forget about the money. Just consider it a

…and Jim smith walks out the door with the shotgun, knowing that neither John
nor his son, will ever be able to use it in a violent crime. John on the other
hand, can now get his son that .44 magnum he always wanted – the perfect
weapon for close quartered, conflict resolution class.

Chuck Shummer, eat your heart out.

J.J. Johnson -
Damn that's GOOD !

Wish I could use it at the Show I'm attending today....

Australian gun laws suck !! :(

"The Gun from Down Under !"
That was funny..... :)
The sad part is Mr. Doe and Mr. Smith are now criminals cut and dry, and Master School shooter will get off cause he has mental problem :(
Thank you for that Leadfoot.

These men are not criminals, they are The Resistance. To call them criminals would be like calling those who hid Jews in their basement criminals. When we recognize these unlawful "laws" we validate them, we breathe life into the despicable words.

Mr. Smith and Mr. Doe need our support. If you don't have the guts or ability to resist, at least provide haven and verbal support to those who do. They should be afforded near hero status not labeled "(political) criminals"... They've got the media for that.

I'm disappointed when, at gun shows, I inquire about private sales and I get condescending looks or smug, self-righteous replies. When I hear others asking about private sales I feel like shaking their hand and introducing myself... Thanking them for, in a small way, resisting.