The Never Ending Story - A tribute to Rich


New member
I just figured I'd start another obnoxiously long thread so that we can find out what the magic number of posts is to get to the center of a tootsie roll pop...

Btw, have you seen the size of that of the assault tuna threads?
Sarcasm, eh? Well...

There is, of course, no magic number of posts for closure, not that I'm aware of, and I've read the policy, as have we all (I hope).

If someone posts one topic with an enormous graphic in it, it's going to take a long time to load, therefore one post could be enough to close a thread for excessive length.

I don't want to see a magic number: "Oo, oo! I gotta post this quick, they're about to close the thread!" Administration calls 'em as they see 'em, and if one or two slip by (in the opinions of the members) then, oh well, that'll happen. (Tribute to Rich, right there :))

My "Occupation" thread was closed for length, but I didn't take it personally. And I've never seen a long thread closed without the Administrator saying "Feel free to start a new thread tilted 'New Thread II'."

BTW, I begged the membership to let the "Assualt Tuna" thread die a merciful death,


you guys keep the thing on a heart/lung machine, and I just have to keep reading it 'cause it makes me laugh until I feel like I'm going to puke! I mean I can't be expected to exercise my own selective judgement, now can I!!!



it would probly be best to let this lie, but I wanted to add one piece of the puzzle to the conversation.

We use several factors in the decision to close a thread, not the least of which is our own perception of where the thread is going. We used to use "50" as a guideling, and I think that is really when we start paying attention to a thread's length.

If a thread hits 50, but is floundering, we generally let it die its own death. If it passes 50 and is still going strong, we will often close it, with the suggestion of starting a new thread on the same topic. This was obviosuly the case with the "work" thread, as evidenced by the 6 new posts in "Work II".

OTOH, some threads are obviously closed for reasons that have nothing to do with loading time.