The Mummy machine gun


New member
Just a quick question for all the NFA buffs here who know way more than I do. I popped in a random DVD earlier and it was The Mummy. Not sure if I asked this question a long time ago and didn't get an answer because this certain gun is always on my mind when I see that movie. The machine gun I'm talking about is that one that's attatched to the plane and Brenden Frasier is shooting it at the face in the sand storm. You know, the gun with the sideways drum mag on top. What make and model is that gun? I don't need specs because I can do that myself. Just want to know the make and model.
Sounds like a Lewis Type 2 Air-Service .303 Brit.

The standard infantry pan was 47 rounds, but the one seen above was 97 rounds, to reduce the number of times you had to stand up in the cockpit to change magazines.